Jason Osborne-Headshot-300x300 NH Journal

And Another “You Can’t Make This Stuff Up” … NHGOP House Leader Blames Democrats For GOP Failure To Ban Sanctuary Cities

On May 2nd, a bunch of GOP Reps failed to show up for work. On the day that Kelly Ayotte’s signature issue, illegal immigration, was up for a vote. The bill, HB 563 LOST by eleven votes. Eight “GOP” Reps voted with the DemocratsWoke-Communists to allow sanctuary-cities, while eleven GOP failed to show up (versus seven DemocratWoke-Communist no-shows).

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Irony Alert … Ross Berry

Here is a good one: Ross Berry criticizes union leadership on X for not representing union workers. The irony apparently escapes Berry. Berry and his fellow Republican “leaders,” Jason Osborne, Joe Sweeney, etc., do NOT represent Republicans.

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Jason Osborne-Headshot-300x300 NH Journal

Not Me, Jason

If you want to understand why NHGOP House “leadership” believes it can ignore the priorities of actual GOP voters while instead pushing their decidedly non-GOP agenda … an obsession with legalizing marijuana, outlawing single-family zoning, increasing urban density, and catering to the rich and the elites (e.g., ending interest-and-dividends tax) while ignoring working people (no … Read more

trump_smug_smile-1200x800-c-default UTexas

Trump’s New Hampshire Coattails

One of the many, many, many criticisms of Ron DeSantis’ disaster-of-a-campaign was that his social media “influencers” were obnoxious. This critique was spot on in New Hampshire. The three that I found particularly obnoxious were/are Jason Osborne, Ross Berry, and Melissa Blasek.

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Is It Time For The NHGOP To Stop The Hypocrisy On Abortion?

I have been under the impression that the New Hampshire Republican Party’s platform says that life begins at conception. I went to the website nh.gop to verify that because in light of the recent Dobbs decision overturning Roe and Casey, a Party that says it is opposed to abortion AND that has legislative majorities and also controls the Governor’s office should be expected to hold a special session to outlaw or at least further restrict abortions.

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Jason Osborne-Headshot-300x300 NH Journal

Notable Quote: It’s All about the Controlling with Democrats

by Skip

Upon the news that President Asterisk and the self-appointed Ambassadors from the Federal Government to New Hampshire known as Jeanne “Granny” Shaheen, Maggie “The Red” Hassan, Annie “Let me attach myself to AOC” Kuster, and Chris “I smile a lot, don’t I?” Pappas) support the IRS data mining our personal banking accounts over $600.

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