Quick Thought - Why Isn't The NH GOP Calling Out The Turncoat Republicans Who Aligned With Democrats to Torpedo SB272-Parental Rights? - Granite Grok

Quick Thought – Why Isn’t The NH GOP Calling Out The Turncoat Republicans Who Aligned With Democrats to Torpedo SB272-Parental Rights?

Mike Bordes with Sununu Bordes Website

Not ONCE, since the votes were taken have I seen anything even closely relating to what Kevin Landrigan of the Union Leader (and certainly nothing like what we’ve been writing about) in naming names?

House Majority Leader Jason Osborne, R-Auburn, was starting from behind on parental rights.

He could persuade only one of four past naysayers from his party — Rep. Mark Proulx, R-Manchester — to change his mind.

Two of the Republicans, Reps. Mike Bordes of Laconia and Travis O’Hara of Belmont, backed an amendment that gutted the bill. The fourth opponent, Rep. Dan Wolf, R-Newbury, was absent.

Once again, a MAJOR problem with the NH GOP is that there is no Political Discipline that gets applied. All we hear is Glittering Generalities.

Sorry/NOT sorry, NH GOP Chair Chris Ager – YOU SHOULD HAVE NAMED NAMES. Sorry/NOT sorry, NH House Republican Majority Leader Jason Osborne, YOU SHOULD HAVE NAMED NAMES.  By doing so, you would have let voters know who screwed them over on one of the most precious ideals we have as a Society: that PARENTS raise children and not some Hillary-Village.  Childism is a pernicious ideology that explains much of how the Democrats thought when voting – and these Republicans AHEAD of time gutted that bill with their amendments.

And you all remained silent.  Shame on you all!  We called them out on it – so where’s YOUR political courage gone to?  Enough of the “Jennifer Horne Syndrome” and running away.
