You Should Have Made All Vaccine Mandates Illegal Last Session, But You Didn’t

By now, you are probably aware of Joe Biden’s impending vaccine mandates. He even went so far as to say he has been patient with the unvaccinated and all the trouble they are causing (paraphrased). It’s time to get jabbed.

The Committee to Elect House Republicans thinks it is time too. Time to fundraise off Joe Biden’s promised mandate.


In a desperately cynical attempt to distract from his deadly failure in Afghanistan, President Biden just announced that vaccines will be MANDATORY!

This will affect ALL federal workers and companies with 100 or more employees.

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Occasional ‘Grok contributor Max Ledoux fired back with a brutal response.

You guys could have, should have, made vaccine mandates illegal in New Hampshire last session. But you didn’t.

So don’t come begging to me for money now. Don’t talk about needing “money to WIN” when there’s no election for over a year.

You have the power NOW

Introduce legislation to prohibit enforcement of Biden’s edicts. Make it meaningful by including fines for any company that complies with Biden’s order and tax breaks and other incentives for any companies that are fined by Biden.

And then sue Biden on behalf of the people of New Hampshire.


Politics requires that you try to build bank off your opponents, especially when they do things your base may not like. And the left has always been better at it and always has more money. But Max is right. The majority-Republican legislature should be able to get this done. You should have gotten it done in the last session.

Related: Constitutional State of Emergency: Couldn’t the Gov. Just Sign an EO and Make Vaccine Mandates and Passports “Illegal”?

Yes, I am aware of the concessions dance and that sometimes you have to take the points you can get. I understand that Governor Sununu is a barrier to many things we’d like to see accomplished before the 22 elections.

This Public Health Despotism has to be stopped.

If the Federal government insists on forcing workers spending federal money to accept medical treatment against their will (and not a very good or safe one at that), it falls on the states to defend their citizens from this domestic threat.

As a matter of principle, it has no relevance to the specifics. If we allow the National government to mandate medical treatment of any kind, we’ve opened a pandora’s box to anything, and everything the politburo in DC can conceive.

Like the pending Public Health threat of “gun violence.” Would Sununu and his AG sit on their hands if the Biden Admin claimed no individual right to self-defense in the name of public health?

Related: Gov Sununu Signs New Hampshire Law Prohibiting Government Vaccine Mandates or Passports

I hope not, so why would they ignore this?

The Feds are attacking bodily autonomy and the right to refusal. They are nullifying individual rights and, I’d suggest, a right to self-defense from such edicts.

Let me rephrase. If someone tried to grab you, hold you down, and inject you with something against your will, would it be lawful to use force in your defense?

Not long ago, I said that Governor Sununu could win back some hearts and minds if he were serious about no mandates or lockdowns or other COVID tyranny.

You already signed a law prohibiting tax expending entities in the state from mandating either vaccines or passports.

Whoever is Running the Biden Administration just launched a fastball aimed at your head. Aimed at individual rights, at the right to self-defense from tyranny. Aimed right at the Governor and the Republican Majority.

Don’t Blink.





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