Choice Choices

You Can Deal with Only So Many Issues. Which Ones Are Best?

This article is for persons who are discouraged by the fact that new burdens are added every day to the list of which issues should occupy one’s time and energy. Perhaps you should write down what it is that you hope to accomplish and note how much effort you’ve been putting into this or that.

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Exposing the Democrat Lies on Abortion

by Skip

A New Hampshire Republican friend of mine said it best: “I cannot believe so many people really do think the most important thing in life is to end it.” Democrats have been on a voter registration tear since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade.  There’s just one problem for them – it’s the only … Read more

Urgent Versus Important

Will reality have any real effect on political debate?

The conservative/liberal debate is interesting because both terms are undefined. It’s healthy to have this debate. But what exactly is the debate today? The terms have any meaning anyone wants to assign them, any time they feel like using them. Which is to say, they are utterly useless except as pejoratives.

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Vote the Santa – Bunny ticket for President

The Democrat presidential field is crowded. The most recent ticket to announce is Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. They claim that not only will they make the promises… they have a history of delivering. How are you going to pay for that? The list of promises is full of things the candidates know, you … Read more

Say What? Getting Something Done in D.C?

Wouldn’t it be nice… Wouldn’t it be great to see the spirit of teamwork materialize in our nation’s capital? Aren’t we all Americans? Don’t we share that? Doesn’t the country have a set of common interests? You know, like finding work for people. Or making sure everyone gets fed? Maybe everyone should have a place … Read more

Data Point – Biggest American problem? Gallup: Government

by Skip

Nineteen percent of respondents cited “government” as the problem, making it the top issue of concern. In second place came “immigration,” cited by 16% of the respondents. However, when broken down politically, 29% of Republicans said immigration is a problem but only 7% of Democrats said the same…Only 8% of respondents said “unifying the country” … Read more

Executive Council District 4: “I don’t need to do anything to win because I’m Ted Gatsas!” – Part 3

by Skip

“what can you do for Ted instead of what Ted will do for you”

Because he isn’t telling you.  And if he isn’t willing to tell you, what is your answer to this question: “Can I not worry about how he will vote because I don’t know what he stands for?“

That’s how I ended up with my last post – what does Ted Gatsas believe in? We dunno, or at least I don’t.  I’m quite sure there is a set of issues or a set of beliefs somewhere.  After all, he’s had a long political career here in NH: state senator, mayor (wanted to be Guv). Perhaps those websites said what he thought were the issues of the day and what he’d do about them – then. Now? As the Executive Councilor for District 4?  Not a whisper, not a word, not a syllable.  I don’t think one can say “Transparency” in the political world where there’s nothing there to be transparent about.

I intimated this earlier – WHERE is the Issues page on Ted’s site?  Answer:

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Public Service Is About Trust

I’d just assume have a root canal without pain killer as suffer through an editorial by Carol Shea-Porter, but sometimes you have to take one for the team. So I have immersed myself in the last rights editorial of the soon to be former congresswoman from New Hampshire’s first district, which is ironically titled, ‘Public Service is about trust.’


Before I proceed let me offer up a comment on Carol’s notion of trust.  In traditional progressive fashion the meaning of trust has had to have been tortured before admitting under duress and threat of death to its friends and family members, that Carol’s application of it’s meaning holds any relevance at all to the historical application.  In fact Carol’s willingness to even use the word in this context, nay–any context at all–in reference to what she refers to as her public service, is a public disservice to the word, the language, the people of the first district, and serves to cement the likelihood that she is the disconnected, ruling class political shill we suspect her to be, if not also clinically insane.

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