The Democrat agenda of Personal Destruction promulgated by Elizabeth Ruediger

by Skip

To the Editor:
The argument for being “pro-choice” was redefined last week when Randolph’s Kathleen Kelley announced her candidacy for State Senate in a write-in campaign against embattled incumbent, Jeff Woodburn. Now, for those of you living under the proverbial rock, Mr. Woodburn has been “accused” of some “nefarious” actions in his intimate relationship with the “Tonya Harding of politics”. Woodburn’s accuser has filed a formal, legal complaint alleging he kicked her clothes dryer and broke her door jam during an altercation. The complaint further alleges that Woodburn bit her twice over the course of a two day period. My experience with “biters” is that why are generally under the age of eight and it is not the predominant defense or offense mechanism for adult males of Woodburn’s size. Lastly, bites are intimate.

Bites are intimate because THEY ARE HAPPENING TO YOUR SKIN! And underlying tissue.  And worse case – bones.  Bites HURT and the writer of this snippet taken from the Caledonian Record is Elizabeth Ruediger of Dummer, NH.  She obviously hasn’t been in a real fight where there are no rules.  Sure, little kids do bite and will bite but if the opportunity affords itself in a fit of rage, anger, offense, or defense, biting is an effective tool for any age.

But what I wanted to call your attention is the affirmation of the supposition in Steve’s post: Berlin NH Mayor Names Victim of Woodburn Domestic Violence – It’s Not Who You Think

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Kuster NOH8

Every Tyranny Works This Way, Ours Will Be No Different

Remember the left’s dopey NOH8 campaign? Celebrities, Progressive thought Leaders, dopey politicians, and sheeple lined up to get their picture taken with the “NOH8” narrative logo? People who ignore, excuse, or justify the violence that would amount to a hate crime when perpetrated on people with whom they disagree. To them, premeditated violence (any violence, actually) is acceptable against people whose … Read more

Manafort Trial: Why Does The Media Want The Names And Addresses of the Jurors?

Paul Manafort was indicted by Bobby Mueller for tax evasion and money laundering. No, not in regard to any relationship with Mr. Trump or his campaign or Russian political collusion. Mr. Manafort was scrutinized under the mandate of the special prosecutor but when Team Mueller couldn’t find anything tied to their purpose they bagged him for something else.

The media has been short-stroking it as proof of something when all it really is is this.

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Democrat Lawmaker Created Intimidating and Abusive Environment

The New Hampshire House recently releases some documents in which was a redacted complaint filed earlier this year by a NH House staffer. The staffer alleges that a particular New Hampshire House Rep. “made frequent derogatory comments to or about the employee, and engaged in “a long pattern of behavior” that created a “hostile work environment.”

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The First thing That Comes to Mind When Democrats Denounce Maxine Waters

Red Hen Restaurant VirginaYesterday I reported (again) on the lack of civility and false civility among far-left Democrats. The most recent examples are protesters driving Sarah Huckabee Sanders out of a restaurant followed by Maxine Waters suggesting the left make a habit of this anywhere they find members of Trump’s team.

Nothing new, except perhaps the honesty about what they’ve always wanted and for which they continue to strive.

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Just a Quick Note To The Democrat Enablers…

There are more than a few people making excuses for the recent scandals involving the Benghazi cover up, the AP phone scandal and the IRS.  Without laboring the point these are just the latest of those we know about.   The point I want to make is this:  Are the people excusing or dismissing this behavior because … Read more

New Hampshire House Democrat Respect & Civility Alert!

New Hampshire Democrats ran on respect and civility.  And we knew it for the fraud it was but people still fell for it.David Miller Democrat Roch NH

Part and parcel to the fraud was Speaker Norelli claiming to shake up the seating arrangements in the House to help build respect and civility,  bi-partisanship, working together…I figured it was so the Democrat majority could intimidate the minority members.  Another rep I spoke with suggested that this seating plan would make it easier for the Speaker to call close voice votes however she felt like calling them.

I can’t speak to the latter but the harassment by Democrats has already begun.

Today’s Respect and Civility Award goes to David P. Miller D- Rochester.

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What I have been hearing about Voter Fraud

by Don

The Democrats tell us voter fraud doesn’t exist…except when they lose an election.  Early voting for the 2012 election has begun and reports are already flowing in about voter fraud.  It’s amazing that all reports to date are giving votes to Democrats, in particular President Obama.

Below are some voter fraud techniques:

Voter Machine tampering.  Voting machines have been reported to be malfunctioning.  People in North Carolina, Nevada, Ohio and either Kansas or Iowa (I can’t remember which, possibly both) have reported that when they push the button for Mitt Romney, the machine selects Barack Obama.  So far, no reports of Obama votes being changed to Romney votes … you would think if this was a random problem, some Obama votes would go to Romney but no reports so far.  One wonders how many Romney votes have been converted to Obama votes before the machine “failure” was noticed.  Hopefully early voting will have found and corrected all these mistakes or tampering… but I wouldn’t bet on it.  If you are using a voting machine, check carefully before finally submitting your ballot.

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