What I have been hearing about Voter Fraud

by Don

The Democrats tell us voter fraud doesn’t exist…except when they lose an election.  Early voting for the 2012 election has begun and reports are already flowing in about voter fraud.  It’s amazing that all reports to date are giving votes to Democrats, in particular President Obama.

Below are some voter fraud techniques:

Voter Machine tampering.  Voting machines have been reported to be malfunctioning.  People in North Carolina, Nevada, Ohio and either Kansas or Iowa (I can’t remember which, possibly both) have reported that when they push the button for Mitt Romney, the machine selects Barack Obama.  So far, no reports of Obama votes being changed to Romney votes … you would think if this was a random problem, some Obama votes would go to Romney but no reports so far.  One wonders how many Romney votes have been converted to Obama votes before the machine “failure” was noticed.  Hopefully early voting will have found and corrected all these mistakes or tampering… but I wouldn’t bet on it.  If you are using a voting machine, check carefully before finally submitting your ballot.

Help for the elderly.  Seniors are reporting that people who help them with their absentee ballots are filling in the ballots for them in favor of Obama.

Non-English speaking voters.  Busloads of people from a Somali group in Ohio have been taken to the polls where translators, provided by the Democrat Party, tell them how to vote a straight democrat ticket.  I thought you had to be able to speak English to pass the test to become a US citizen??   So, why is a translator needed to tell them how to vote?

Dirty Voter Registration rolls.  There are an estimated 24 million registrations which are not accurate; 12 million have bogus or fraudulent addresses.  Attorney General Holder told states not to remove people who had died (about 1.8 million are registered according to the PEW Research Center) or appear in multiple registration lists (about at 2.8 million) have multiple homes or moved from their registration lists.  When some states started to clean up their lists anyway, Holder went to court to stop the effort, e.g., Florida.

(Note:  Maryland Democrat Candidate for Congress Wendy Rosen reportedly resigned when it was discovered that she was registered in both Maryland and Florida from at least 2006 and has voted in both places in multiple Federal elections.)

Voter impersonation.  Project Veritas has documented several instances of operatives in Democrat offices assisting what they believed was attempted voter impersonation.  Such efforts could provide voters impersonating the dead, people who had moved out of state, or the (fake) documentation needed to show residency and enable a person to register and vote.  The son of a Democrat Congressman is one who participated in assisting what he believed was voter fraud, he has resigned his position.  Project Veritas has also showed us how easy it is for someone to get another person’s ballot, as a young white man asked if Eric Holder was registered and was given Holder’s ballot (which he did then rejected).

(In the past ACORN has been convicted of registering people who don’t exist, people living in empty lots, and dozens of people at the same single family house.  Although I have not seen any such reports, there is no reason to believe that its successor groups have not done similar things.)

Billboards.  Billboards that remind people that voter fraud is a crime are apparently offensive.  Why would reminding people that voter fraud is a crime be offensive?  Anyway, as a result these advertisements are being taken down before the election.  (This reminds me that one suggestion for why the Ten Commandments are not allowed at courthouses is that highlighting them creates a hostile work environment for lawyers.)

Military Ballots.  Many states have missed the legal deadline for shipping absentee ballots to our servicemen and women serving out of state.  The apparatus set up to ensure that the military gets their ballots on time, was not staffed on a timely basis.  Attorney General Holder has not done anything to try to make the service men and women, even those putting their lives on the line, get their ballots on time.

Voter Intimidation.  There is a report from Ohio of a Romney bus taking voters to a polling place being surrounded by screaming and intimidating Democrats who prevented, at least for some period of time, the voters from leaving the bus.  In 2008 two New Black Panthers members in military garb and carrying billy clubs intimidated voters at one polling place.  It was an open and shut case but after Obama’s inauguration, the Holder justice department dismissed the charges.  This signals for the 2012 elections that intimidation by the New Black Panthers probably will not be prosecuted and probably will be widespread.


Nancy Pelosi’s words about the appearance of wrong doing keep going through my mind.  Attorney General Holder’s actions clearly suggest an intent to do enable voter fraud.  But like so many things about principles and laws, Democrats believe in them, they just don’t believe they apply to Democrats.

I think we can expect people who want to commit voter fraud to have many more ways to negate the votes of legitimate voters and steal elections.  For example, it looks like “Senator” Franken was elected by a variety of techniques that we are not in a position to see this time yet, e.g., more ballots than voters, and  hundreds of convicted felons voted although they don’t have that right in Minnesota.

Hopefully the parties have enough poll watchers and attorneys to keep this election reasonably clean.  But, we need every vote to defeat the leftists.  If we win by enough, they won’t be able to cheat enough to steal the election.

Every voter needs to ensure that his or her ballot is correct before finally casting it.  Those of us who know we need to defeat leftists in every office need to make sure that everyone who shares our values gets to the polls.  So, remind people who share our values, and, if necessary, drag them to the polls.  Do what you can and make sure you vote.

Our freedoms, our prosperity and that of future generations depend on stopping the leftists.  The time is NOW for everyone to get involved and do their part.


NOTE:  RE: Voter ID.  A 2012 Washington Post poll reports that 74% of the American people believe a photo ID should be required to in order to vote.  65% of African-American, 64% of Hispanics, and 60% of Democrats also support the requirement to have a voter ID.

NOTE:  RE:  Same Day Registration.  Same day registration has been used for voter fraud.  Same day registration does not allow time for checking voter eligibility.  In Minnesota, in the Franken-Coleman Senate race, 6224 people who same day registered could never be found.  In one case 13 people same day registered at the same address which turned out to be a Laundromat.

My understanding is that in this, November 2012, election, New Hampshire voters without showing a photo ID will be able to vote if they sign an affidavit that they are a legal voter.  So, how do we expect to find people who sign these affidavits if they put false information on them?

NOTE:  RE:  Absentee ballot voter fraud.  Another technique is the party sends people around when people’s absentee ballots arrive and then either make sure the ballot is marked correctly, or take the blank ballot and substitute a pre-marked ballot in its place.  This most likely takes some coordination with “insiders” somewhere, e.g., the government office sending out the ballots, in the nursing home or retirement community.  I suspect that there are also people who submit absentee ballot requests for people who rarely or never or do not intend this time to vote… intercept the ballot and vote for the person.

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