Remember the left’s dopey NOH8 campaign? Celebrities, Progressive thought Leaders, dopey politicians, and sheeple lined up to get their picture taken with the “NOH8” narrative logo? People who ignore, excuse, or justify the violence that would amount to a hate crime when perpetrated on people with whom they disagree.
To them, premeditated violence (any violence, actually) is acceptable against people whose speech or ideas they have labeled as hate. And they can label anything or anyone they like at any time.
You might be an actual Nazi. A member of the Klan. You could be wearing a hat they don’t like. You might just work for someone with whom they disagree or in an industry they’ve targeted. Maybe you’ve shown up at the “wrong” event, or you voted for the wrong person in the last election.
Or, maybe you just put the wrong words together in a sentence like, “wow, the economy is really taking off.”
The entire English language needs a disclaimer that says “may invite violence from liberals.”
They decide. They label. They act. But it’s not hate.
The goal (of course) is to shut you up or shut you down. Keep your words out of the paper, out of Twitter, off people’s Facebook feeds, nor on the TV or in print – away from your eyes and ears. Keep you quiet, keep you home on election day. Whatever it takes to “win.”
Any excuse of convenience will do to justify acts of intimidation or violence including ‘what violence?’ I didn’t see that on CNN you must have made it up.
Contol the message, silence all opposition.
In what passes for the minds of the political left anything they decide is offensive justifies targeting and any act of intimidation leading up to threats and actual violence is condoned by progressives, liberals, and their media machine.
The liberal elite is on board.
The liberal media are on board and providing “air” cover.
Rural white voters have been labeled as targets for hate (even here in New Hampshire).
Beating up people appearing patriotic (no matter what!) is a go.
Then there’s the destruction of public and private property and rioting just because they “didn’t get all dressed up for nothing” and left-wing haters gonna hate (too many great examples to share just one).
And the ruling class will let them, as noted here,
The defenders of the ruling class are not unlike Monty Pythons Spanish Inquisition. Amongst their weaponry are such diverse elements as fear, surprise, ruthless (in)efficiency, and a fanatical devotion to…their own love affair with power.
To their belief that they do not answer to us.
Our job is shut up and lay down.
I cannot stress often enough how we cannot give these people power. Any power. Their silence (amounting to hypocrisy) when advocates of the left violate peoples constitutional rights to speech and association speaks volumes.
Especially when they are so quick to react when similar acts can be spun to present an opportunity that empowers the government to control speech, association, or the vehicles for both.
At present, the left is not using its own violence against political and cultural opponents to justify taking everyone’s rights away but at some point, they may with the caveat that their haters are excluded.
Every tyranny works this way.
Ours will be no different.