unhinged democrats

Outgoing DNC Chair Says He is Naming Names

We haven’t had much to say about the current Democratic National Committee chair. His name is Jaime Harrison, and the only reference I can find on our pages does not even use his name. I’m sure he’s convinced that’s because he’s black, but I didn’t even know he was black until he brought it up. … Read more

Barack Obama middle finger

Was Obama A President, Or A Black President?

If Democrats are the Party of Inclusion, why do they have an obsession with Identity Politics? I find it incredibly ironic that the Democrats are nothing more than a collection of boxes, and if you do not fit into a particular one, they will create a new one for you. If you need proof of … Read more

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Notable Quote – On the Left, It Is Always about the Revenge

Emhasis mine: Since the French Revolution, leftwing politics, as distinct from the liberal sort, have been essentially about revenge, including in Great Britain with the founding of the Labour Party in 1900, an event recently characterized by the Daily Telegraph as an act of vengeance. Then, leftist vengeance meant class vengeance. While it remains so … Read more

crime-scene body outline murder dead

Murdered Muslims, Hate Crimes, And Wait, Never Mind …

Less than a week ago, the tragedy of four brutal murders in New Mexico appeared to be a windfall for Democrats. It was a perfect yet bloody scenario for the party that doesn’t hesitate to try and exploit every and any tragedy that fits their larger narrative.

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