unhinged democrats

Outgoing DNC Chair Says He is Naming Names

We haven’t had much to say about the current Democratic National Committee chair. His name is Jaime Harrison, and the only reference I can find on our pages does not even use his name. I’m sure he’s convinced that’s because he’s black, but I didn’t even know he was black until he brought it up. … Read more

Barack Obama middle finger

Was Obama A President, Or A Black President?

If Democrats are the Party of Inclusion, why do they have an obsession with Identity Politics? I find it incredibly ironic that the Democrats are nothing more than a collection of boxes, and if you do not fit into a particular one, they will create a new one for you. If you need proof of … Read more

Raquel Evita Saraswati Queer Muslim Arab Latina Activist is a european white chick

Arab-Latina Queer Feminist is Actually Another Liberal White Girl Named Rachel

Remember Spokane NAACP president Rachel Dolezal? She said she was white, black, and American Indian, but in 2015 the African studies prof. was outed as Czech, Swedish, and German. Another Lizard Warren. There’s another one.

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IT SNOWED LAST NIGHT! – [A story about snowflakes]

We received about 2 inches of snow yesterday and…

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Bike Stick fall Meme Science and Identy Politics

Another Great Leap Backward: Biology Was Already Sexist, And Now It’s Ableist!

Biology was already in trouble. Identity Politics Zealots proselytizing their Marxist cultural mythology put them on notice over the gender thing. But if an organism’s structures do not classify its status, there can be no science, only faith. Oh, and evolution is ableist!

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Notable Quote – On the Left, It Is Always about the Revenge

Emhasis mine: Since the French Revolution, leftwing politics, as distinct from the liberal sort, have been essentially about revenge, including in Great Britain with the founding of the Labour Party in 1900, an event recently characterized by the Daily Telegraph as an act of vengeance. Then, leftist vengeance meant class vengeance. While it remains so … Read more

crime-scene body outline murder dead

Murdered Muslims, Hate Crimes, And Wait, Never Mind …

Less than a week ago, the tragedy of four brutal murders in New Mexico appeared to be a windfall for Democrats. It was a perfect yet bloody scenario for the party that doesn’t hesitate to try and exploit every and any tragedy that fits their larger narrative.

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West Point Military Academy - West Point web site

West Point Military Academy Is in a State of Radical Change against Its Original Mission, Purpose, and Principles

Graduating Cadets from West Point have published an open letter titled, “West Point Graduates Issue ‘Declaration Of Betrayal’ For Academy Leadership.” Someone has woke-ified and identity-politicized the Military Academy, and they are blowing the whistle.

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Skip's Sauntering Snippets Podcast

Skip’s Sauntering Snippets #5 – Democrat Identity Politics Will Ruin NH’s First in the Nation Primary

And frankly, I don’t really care even if it does make for much blog fodder.

The Democrat Party’s ideation on Identity Group Politics is screwing up America’s Society where ONLY the Group/Collective “Community” matters in life.

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Trans pride flag original Photo by Lena Balk on Unsplash

Transgender Affirming Govt Teachers and Counselors Killed a Girl With Their Transgender Identity Politics

…“I received a phone call from the coroner’s office,” Martinez said, her eyes full of tears…The woman then told Martinez that her daughter had taken her own life the night before. “

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Pete Buttigieg

Pete Buttigieg Represents Everything Wrong with Modern Politics

I don’t know anyone that works at the Department of Transportation, but I would really like to know the sense of trust, respect, or anything else leaders must have among their subordinates in his ranks. Framed as a question, how can anyone tolerate Pete Buttigieg?

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Notable Quote – Have Progressives already beat the Free Market into submission? Have we moved into Fascism controlled markets?

Reformatted, emphasis mine: In the interventionist state it is no longer of crucial importance for the success of an enterprise that operations be run in such a way that the needs of the consumer are satisfied in the best and least expensive way; it is much more important that one has “good relations” with the … Read more

SAU16 Exeter coop

DIE-J Snake Oil Tsunami Strikes Exeter’s School District: The Search for Cognitive Survivors On-going!

At the “Learning about DIE-J” [Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, and Justice] forum in Exeter last week, just after the audience was warned that the police were standing by for anyone shouting for sanity, the Tsunami’s propaganda wave suddenly struck.

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JP Spears skewering the left

“When Identity Politics, CRT, and Feminism Get Together”

Sooner or later, the Left starts eating its own. Both the worst and the best thing that the Left has been is Totalitarian. A sense of unrealized Comedy material there for the taking, things that just “don’t agree” that CAN be used against them.

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pride flag

“Boston Pride” Tries to ‘Transition,’ Fails, – Commits Assisted Organizational Suicide

Even the most supportive LGBETC (LGB Etc.) communities have exponentially high rates of drug and alcohol abuse as well as suicidal ideation. No one takes pride in that, but it makes for a suitable metaphor.

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Gun, snow, barrel woman

Socialism Is Cancel-Culture at the Point of a Government Gun in a World You Allowed to be Disarmed

A few years ago, the University of New Hampshire (UNH) had a riot. Some uptight social justice warriors were triggered by students culturally appropriating Mexican attire.

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Cross Sunrise Christ

Why Is the Left So Fearful Of Christians?”

In his Boston Herald op. ed. Column Focus on the Family president Jim Daly makes many valid points (“Why is the left so fearful of Christians?” April 25, 2021); but I would like to add one more.

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Trans-Activists Oppose Caitlyn Jenner’s Run for Governor of California

One of the features of Leftism, and our coverage of it, is systemic ideological discrimination. They are not interested in black Americans, just black Democrats. The same can be said of blue-collar workers, first responders, women, teachers, everyone, even transgenders.

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Trump doc replace by man suffering from gender dysphoria

Quick Thought – Yeah, This Pretty Much Sums Up The Biden Administration So Far.

So, does this make the Biden Administration RAAACIST for firing a Black man – Trump’s Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams? Or that picking Dr. Richard Rachel Levine as Asst Sec HHS proves Gender Dysphoria is now atop the Democrat Identity Group Totem Pole?

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Taxpayer-Funded UNH Has a #Woke White Self-Hate Propaganda Initiative for Farmers

Food Solutions New England (FSNE), through the UNH Sustainability Group, appear to be pinging Farmers and folks in the Food Chain. They want them to participate in a 21-Day Racial Equity Habit-Building Challenge.

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