Graduating Cadets from West Point have published an open letter titled, “West Point Graduates Issue ‘Declaration Of Betrayal’ For Academy Leadership.” Someone has woke-ified and identity-politicized the Military Academy, and they are blowing the whistle.
You can (and should) read it yourself, but here are a few excerpts to give you an idea of what to expect.
Civilian faculty members have introduced political indoctrination into academic instruction to include socialist ideology that runs counter to the noble principles of the Constitution.
Instruction in Critical Race Theory (CRT) at the Academy. Such instruction severs the ties of every cadet to defense of the Constitution, thereby nullifying the oath cadets have sworn to uphold. Critical Race theory now replaces Duty, Honor, Country.
The Biden Administration seeks to divorce military service from defense of the Constitution by replacing allegiance to the Constitution with Critical Race Theory.
It is not the purpose of the military to help advance the anti-American, anti-Constitution agenda of leftist ideologues. But the military is being forced by WOKE leaders in the White House, Congress, Department of Defense, and Pentagon, to do just that: advance a leftist agenda that seeks to tear down the Constitution, not protect it.
The purveyors of Critical Race Theory intend to demolish the United States of America as the founders established our Republic.
It’s not all sad news.
It is for times like these that God made Patriots.
These graduates are making the case that the history and foundation of West Point are both necessary and worth defending but hanging by a thread.