We haven’t had much to say about the current Democratic National Committee chair. His name is Jaime Harrison, and the only reference I can find on our pages does not even use his name. I’m sure he’s convinced that’s because he’s black, but I didn’t even know he was black until he brought it up. We’re not close.
A brief march through the soup of internet swill brought me to a picture. Yup. He’s black, and that might be why he was DNC chair, but that’s about the end of that discussion around here. We don’t care. We do care about people’s safety, and I am genuinely concerned for Jaime. He’s announced that he is writing a book and naming names.
The chairman suggested he has unresolved internal party grievances, hinting that “the muzzle comes off” after his replacement is elected. He announced he has no plans to endorse his successor and is writing a book to detail his experiences during his four-year tenure, the outlet reported.
“That’s it for you all,” Harrison said as he concluded his speech. “Because I’m saving the rest for my book. And I am naming names.”
Unresolved grievances.
If you were to pick two words to describe core Democrat party values, those might be them. More accurately, the projection of them, real or imagined – mostly the latter – upon others in exchange for votes. It is resentment politics. Your circumstances are not your doing, and we’re prepared to make someone else feel guilty enough about it to give us money (or let us take it).
It works.
The race pimps and politicians are all doing very well. Some of them are what you’d call wealthy. Lifted themselves up on the grievance narratives while minority poverty has remained the same – dipping a bit in recent years.
BLM’s founders live in mansions in white neighborhoods. Where are you? Rebuilding the inner-city business that was looted and burned down or mourning a lost loved one killed by progressive agitators. Most likely, you are living with higher rates of property and violent crime.
I doubt very much that this is a subject Jamie is likely to broach. And I’m not sure who he intends to finger and for what, but telling the party most likely to lose staff, aides, or confidants by “suicide” that you are naming names is a great way to end up dead in a DC hotel bathtub. The gunned-down head of United Healthcare is rumored to have had dirt on some high-ranking Democrat and was expected to testify. We’ll know when we see how thoroughly it is investigated, but I’m not convinced this claim is valid. What matters is that history and practice make it believable. People working in suicide prevention know fewer people who have killed themselves than the Clintons.
Jamie puts a target on himself by announcing that he is naming names, and we don’t know what he is naming them for or why. Harrison is all about race politics. He believes that,
“…minorities must see the Democratic Party as their own and “cannot be the excuse for why we win or lose,” according to The Associated Press (AP).
“When I wake up in the morning, when I look in the mirror, when I step out the door, I can’t rub this off,” he said, gesturing to his face. “This is who I am. This is how the world perceives me.”
My only advice to Jamie is that he needs new people to hang out with. The world will see you as what you do unless all you do is talk about how you look and what you think they think about that. It’s pretty f***ing annoying if you are looking for the truth.