House Archives - Granite Grok


Jason Osborne-Headshot-300x300 NH Journal

Not Me, Jason

If you want to understand why NHGOP House “leadership” believes it can ignore the priorities of actual GOP voters while instead pushing their decidedly non-GOP agenda … an obsession with legalizing marijuana, outlawing single-family zoning, increasing urban density, and catering to the rich and the elites (e.g., ending interest-and-dividends tax) while ignoring working people (no …

Not Me, Jason Read More »

Desert dry sand heat tree Photo by Jordi Vich Navarro on Unsplash

State Rep Damond Ford Doesn’t Know Much About History

They may call themselves Democrats. But they are Communists. Needless to say, they would deny being Communists. Indeed, they would roll their eyes and scoff at the suggestion. Yet their goal of “transforming” America by making it more “diverse,” “equitable,” “inclusive,” blah, blah, blah, is simply the latest manifestation of Stalin’s purges, Mao’s Cultural Revolution, …

State Rep Damond Ford Doesn’t Know Much About History Read More »

Sherm Packard yelling at protesters that are on his side WMUR screenshot

The New Hampshire House Is A National Laughingstock

So the New Hampshire House’s ludicrous “debate” over sexually explicit materials in middle school libraries went “viral” … and deservedly so. For example, Libs of TikTok is an X (Twitter) account with 2.8 million followers. See the post below. My comments follow.

Special Election Alert

Rockingham-1 Special Election: Democrats In It To Win It … Is The NHGOP?

Some reaction to a post by the GOP candidate in the Rockingham-1 State Rep special election: Outside Money and Influence in the Rockingham District. 1 State Representative Special Election.  The post begins with the candidate describing his surprise (perhaps dismay) at seeing a television ad for his opponent.

Kevin McCarthy

Milquetoast McCarthyism

So guess what the GOP’s agenda will be, IF Kevin McCarthy becomes the next Speaker of the House.

The Legislative Branch of Government

The Legislative Branch of Government (Article I, Section I)

Article I of the U.S. Constitution describes the Legislative branch of government. It is the first and is arguably the most important branch of government. Do you know what the founders actually set up and why? Do you think the current system is the original system?