
Where “Gun Violence” Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Means

These Leftists are forever trying to turn the Live Free or Die State into a Socialist Nirvana. Progressives (the preferred euphemism for Socialists) are unconstitutionally unable to leave other people alone to live their lives according to the Declaration of Independence: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that … Read more


When Did We Lose the Sanctity of Life

When did we become so numb to senseless death? Was it the video games that we have played for decades? Was it the movies filled with violence that we paid good money to see? Was it CRT being taught in our schools that made our children hate our country and system?

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Slippery Slope…?

Sylvia Larsen is making a slippery slope argument against the New Hampshire Senate’s passage of a bill that would make causing the death of an unborn child murder. Senate Minority Leader Sen. Sylvia Larsen, D-Concord, joined other Democrats in criticizing Forsythe’s bill. “I think it establishes a bad precedent. It establishes a non-scientific basis for … Read more

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