About School Choice

State-funded “School Choice”: A Power Grab

Some members of the legislature believe that public schools are no longer “fixable.” They want universal state-funded spending accounts to allow all students, rich or poor, to escape public schools. They call it “school choice,” but it’s really an insidious transfer of power to the state. Yes, public schools are a uniform mess, but the … Read more

Parents child home school homework

Warning to Wolfeboro, Tuftonboro and Ossipee voters

Voters should remember that Democrats voted overwhelmingly against parental rights this last legislative session. I’m not sure when our fundamental rights as parents became a partisan issue. Something happened that caused Democrats to stand squarely against parental rights. Democrats do not consider due process in this decision either. When it comes to your child going … Read more


NH GOP Candidates Need to Understand This

Well folks, primary season is over, and our candidates for NH General Court, Executive Council, and Governor are in. I voted in the primary, as I do in every election in Rochester. Many of my candidates did not win their primaries. I am still voting in the election, as boycotting any vote is against my … Read more

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Homeschooling is Still Gaining Popularity…Thanks to Woke ‘Educators’

One of the few areas where liberty made gains in the COVID lockdown era was the increase in homeschooling. Many parents started homeschooling out of frustration with the failure of “virtual learning” to provide children with a quality education. Other parents withdrew their children from government schools when virtual learning allowed them to discover how … Read more


A Plea From a Traditional Home Educator

From the cooler evening weather to the jam-packed “Back to School” section at Walmart, we all understandably feel the pressure to consider Fall plans for our children. There are options aplenty, and the Educational Freedom Account pathway promotion is in full, political, high gear. The EFA is a fourth educational pathway to satisfy compulsory attendance … Read more

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Homeschooling Survey: They Use Many Different Methods to Learn to Read

Homeschooled students typically score 15 to 25 percentile points above public-school students on standardized academic achievement tests, according to The National Home Education Research Institute.

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School Board Discusses Warrantless Searches on Homeschool Families

Homeschooling is this awful, terrible thing where parents and guardians remove children from the failed public school experiment and (drumroll) teach them how to read and do math. A State’s AG has suggested allowing unannounced warrantless searches of homeschoolers… in the name of public safety.

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State Rep Accidentally Outs Herself

There is a classic tale in which one man lends money to another. When the time comes to repay the loan, the debtor claims that no loan was ever made. They go to trial, and the lender says that the money was counted out on a large stone, which should be brought to court as a witness. The debtor says, ‘The stone will never be found, because I broke it into many pieces, which I dispersed to many places.’

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How The State Will Take Over Private and Religious Schools

Democrats have shown that they are willing to go to the first step required for the State to take over private and religious schools. New Hampshire’s HB1610 requires all students in private, religious, and even home-school families to take the STATE standardized test.

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Homeschooling Across Generations: A Call for Collective Reimagination

In a world where the traditional structures of education are constantly evolving, the rise of homeschooling has become a prominent force, challenging the conventional notions of learning.

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Parents child home school homework

Is This House Bill Evil, or Just Sloppy?

A lot of parents who educate their own children at their own expense (i.e., without the aid of Education Freedom Accounts) are upset about HB1610, which — as it’s currently written — would require their kids to take the same state assessments as kids in public schools.

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Homeschool Double Standard

I recently read this Reason article about how homeschooling as increased since the pandemic. Some quotes from people who are apparently against homeschooling blew my mind.  I had the need to share some comments about them.

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Parents child home school homework

Don’t Tread on Homeschoolers

A 12-year-old Colorado boy became a victim of “woke” education when he was taken out of class and told he could not return unless he removed a Gadsden flag or “Don’t Tread on Me” patch from his backpack.

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Have You Been Permanently Banned from Facebook?

I might be wasting my time thinking this is something plausible, but as a quick run down, back in July 2021, I posted on Facebook encouraging parents to do their research on childhood vaccinations and not to just blindly trust their doctor.

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Students teacher classroom

Many Think That the Government Schools Are Salvageable.  I Have to Respectfully Disagree.

Recently, I was listening to the Jeff Kuhner Show, which airs on WRKO AM 68 Monday to Friday, 6:00 AM to 10:00 AM. He was interviewing his wife, Grace Vuoto, who calls in every Wednesday for her weekly commentary.

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Parents child home school homework

Your Kid’s School Went ‘Woke’? Consider Homeschool.

“Woke” culture has become so prominent in the American education system that it would not be surprising to learn that schools were replacing the once popular rhyme “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me” with “sticks and stones may break my bones but opinions I disagree with can make … Read more

Studen laptop online learning Photo by Compare Fibre on Unsplash

Free NH Charter School Provides Customized Education with Complete Flexibility

Have you ever thought about educating at home, but didn’t know how to start? Did you know there is a free online charter school for New Hampshire residents in grades K-12 and beyond?

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Homeschooling is Key to Preserving Liberty

The most recent release from the federally funded Nation’s Report Card shows that 40 percent of eighth graders lack even a basic understanding of US history, while only 14 percent are proficient or advanced in history.

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I Seem to Have Nothing for Today So I’ll Just Put up Another Democrat Disparaging Parents.

Shades of Jeanne Dietsch, former NH State Senator, who infamously uttered the words: “This idea of parental choice, that’s great if the parent is well-educated. There are some families that’s perfect for. But to make it available to everyone? No. I think you’re asking for a huge amount of trouble,” Dietsch said. … “If the … Read more

Schools more interested in sexual orientation than education proficiency

What Is Education’s Role in America Today?

I want to say that I am a strong advocate for our public school system in the order of the excellent education I received 56 years ago. We need to reinstate educational excellence in our institution of public education. This is what I want. This is what parents want and this is what Commissioner Edelblut wants in my conversations with him.

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