Have You Been Permanently Banned from Facebook?


I might be wasting my time thinking this is something plausible, but as a quick run down, back in July 2021, I posted on Facebook encouraging parents to do their research on childhood vaccinations and not to just blindly trust their doctor.

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They are paid bonuses if children get all their CDC-recommended immunizations.

I also stated that Pfizer is one of the AAP’s biggest donors, so they have a vested interest in encouraging as many jabs as possible. I even put in that I am not anti-vax. I’m pro-educating yourself and advocating for your children.

I was permanently banned the next morning.

I stated facts, not misinformation. I actually bookmarked the sites on my phone that night in case anyone disagreed with me or wanted more info. But they took all 13 years’ worth of my pictures and videos, tagged pics/videos, and refused to give them back to me.

Prior to being permanently banned, I had NEVER received a warning or any sort of suspension or Facebook jail in over 13 Years!

I was hoping to find others who were permanently banned from Facebook back when the Biden admin worked with social media to silence people. If so, I’d love to find a way to connect with you and find out if there are any lawyers who think there is a lawsuit here and any willing to take it on.

I’m not looking for money, I’m looking for vindication of the tyranny we are dealing with and want to make an example of how wrong it is. It needs to stop. I had 13 years’ worth of memories on there, and I’d like to hold the administration/Facebook accountable for taking that from me without any offer of allowing me to know the actual reason for being banned and not allowing me an option of removing my pics/videos.

There wasn’t even an option to remove all of your info easily until recently.

I’ve reached out to other state’s members of Congress because I know better than to reach out the the ones we have “representing” us in NH, nor have I had any luck (not surprisingly) regarding the hearings they have been holding – to see if there is a list of people banned because of this and if I’m on it.

I have had to create multiple aliases’ on FB because all the local homeschooling groups use FB as their event-planning and resource-sharing platform (I homeschool my daughters).  But those accounts get disabled after a few weeks when they realize it is me.

I have been unable to access all of the fun homeschooling opportunities for my daughters, and that is so unfair to them.



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