How The State Will Take Over Private and Religious Schools

Ann Marie Banfield

Democrats have shown that they are willing to go to the first step required for the State to take over private and religious schools. New Hampshire’s HB1610 requires all students in private, religious, and even home-school families to take the STATE standardized test.

Some have remarked, what’s the big deal? Those students should be able to do remarkably well on the State Standardized Assessment. They’ve received a non-public education and should do well.

One might believe that until they understand that the STATE assessments may be very different than an actual achievement test that is used in private schools and by home-school families.

Take a listen to this 15-minute video as Lisa Logan explains how government assessments measure much more than just academic knowledge. This is why it is important that all parents who have their children in a private, religious or who are home-schooled, need to fight against these kinds of state regulations.

Logan goes in-depth on the transformation of public education, which is why you want to make sure this never seeps into the private and religious schools.

This will explain why UNESCO is such a big supporter of School Choice in the U.S.  They know it’s the vehicle for government control.

Read about that here.



  • Ann Marie Banfield

    Ann Marie Banfield has been researching education reform for over a decade and actively supports parental rights, literacy and academic excellence in k-12 schools. You can contact her at:

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