NH GOP Candidates Need to Understand This

Amanda Weeden

Well folks, primary season is over, and our candidates for NH General Court, Executive Council, and Governor are in. I voted in the primary, as I do in every election in Rochester. Many of my candidates did not win their primaries. I am still voting in the election, as boycotting any vote is against my principles. Someone is going to win to represent me in our government, and you’d be wise to consider this fact as well if you are a non-voter.

Now that we got who we got, so to speak, I’m going to continue to share the same facts I’ve  stated over the 10+ years I’ve served as an advocate for home education in NH:

The *vast majority* of home educators in New Hampshire do not want government money.

Republicans, please understand this fact. School choice is part of your platform. Free Staters, School choice is part of your platform. I have thoughts on this, but I’ll refrain due to the urgency of my message.

The *vast majority* of home educators in New Hampshire do not want government money.

Republicans, you must understand the law in order to understand why this is incredibly crucial to me, and the thousands of families I represent. There are four educational pathways in NH: Public, Private, Home Education and Education Freedom Account.

We want to thank Amanda Weeden for this Contribution – Direct yours to steve@GraniteGrok.com.

Four pathways. Those families who choose the EFA pathway are not the same as those who choose Home Education (HE). Yes, families might switch pathways from home ed to EFA and be educating their children at home, but no, they are not the same. The HE pathway has rights and freedom that the EFA does not. As a taxpayer-funded program, there are additional requirements and oversight in order to participate in the EFA. This is why Dems are hyper-fixated on killing it quickly by repeal or slowly by legislating it to death. “This is basic stuff,” I’ve been told, yet State Reps who won this primary don’t know. Please take a moment to consider this fact.

The Home Education laws, rules, and requirements have been fought for, maintained, and protected by people like me who want *the least possible government interference in the education of our children.*  We don’t want government money or the resulting crap show we have been subjected to since the introduction of the EFA program.


We want to be left alone. We want you to commit to leaving us alone. We want you to understand that we will not compromise and will die on this hill. Don’t rope us into your politics. Don’t conflate us with EFA families. Don’t assume to speak for us when “Universal School Choice” ends up on the docket. We will organize and, as evidenced by recent bills that ensnared us in the Democrats’ quest to destroy the EFA, overwhelm hearings.

More government has never been, nor will ever be the road to more freedom. We understand this fact, and implore you to familiarize yourself with the laws of the four educational pathways in New Hampshire.

If you want our support, you must commit to protecting Home Education in NH.


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