Hollywood sign Photo by Vincentas Liskauskas on Unsplash

Hollywood Is On Strike. Who Cares

The Hollywood writers have been on strike since May, and nobody noticed. This week, the actors and actresses joined the writers; again, nobody noticed. The actors and actresses in Hollywood are the most narcissistic people on earth and survive from self-aggrandizing under the watchful eyes of most Liberals. Some of the more fortunate land million … Read more

hunter and gatherer Hunter Biden Joe Biden Cartoon

Biden Laptop Part 2: High Crimes & Misdemeanors

The Marco Polo (MP) report includes a timeline beginning detailing key activities with dates.  These entries indicate the trail of evidence found on the laptop and corroborated either with official White House entries, newspaper articles and releases, as well as names of those involved in the criminal activity. Perhaps the most notable is the already … Read more

Toxic Masculinity boys will be boys Gillette

Blogline of the Day – Is There a Bit of “Anti-Patriarchy” Going On as Hollywood Seemingly Wants Strong Female Leads Instead??

by Skip

CHRISTIAN TOTO: Is Paramount Feuding with William Shatner? “The exclusion of James T. Kirk in modern ‘Star Trek’ marketing is yet another example of efforts to diminish Shatner’s contribution and to emasculate strong male characters on television and at the movies.” Look, his ego is indeed as big as the outdoors (er, the solar system? or Milky … Read more


WOKE is the New Pandemic

The new Pandemic will not feature Dr. Anthony Fauci and his daily noon updates on lockdowns and mandates. The new Pandemic will not require masks, but a barf bag may be suggested.

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The Oscars – If Somebody Watched It, It Wasn’t Me!

by Skip

Disclaimer: I don’t like 98% of most movies. I hate sitting through them without the possibility of multitasking. And most of Hollywood’s offerings aren’t worth the spit in my mouth. Furthermore, if I want to get preached at, I go to church. So, now this.

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Golden Globe Trophy - and no one bashed Donald Trump

2019 Golden Globes Honors “Donald Trump” by Not Mentioning Him At All

Entertainment Award show hosts, presenters, or winners bashing President Donald Trump is expected. Big-Mouth Limousine Liberals don’t typically pass on the opportunity. Microphone. Audience. Trump Derangement Syndrome. Boom! That’s how they roll. Ratings are tumbling anyway so why not. Wait, what? It’s not just about the art? Ratings matter? They do, so this year’s Golden Globes managed to run from … Read more

Pledge Allegiance To Obama!?

You heard right.  The latest trick to come out of the Obama campaign  hat.  Take a picture of yourself, hand over heart–something vapid written on your hand (policy memes in a vacuum) so everyone can see it, and post it to show your undying support for Dear Leader. I’m not sure what strikes me as … Read more

“The Dark Knight Rises”: Arise, capitalism and freedom….

Has anyone seen The Dark Knight Rises? I haven’t. Not that I have anything against Batman. It’s just not a movie that was on my A-List (and nothing need be said about the killings last week in Colorado; this is about the movie, not the apparently insane killer).

Now it is.

In today’s Wall Street Journal, novelist and PJ Media contributor Andrew Klavan has a fascinating interpretation of the movie. In the Journal column, Batman Battles the Politics of Resentment Klavan shows the movie to be “a bold apologia for free-market capitalism [and] a graphic depiction of the tyranny and violence inherent in every radical leftist movement….”

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Are 3D Movies The Future Of Cinema?

Is 3D worth the extra cost and is it the future of cinema
Is 3D worth the extra cost

I read somewhere that within the movie industry there is a growing consensus that 3D movies are the future of the big screen experience.  My initial reaction was that this is only true the way unemployment is the future of job growth in Obama’s America.  Just because Nancy Pelosi says it is doesn’t make it so. ?

And the problems are related.  Movies in 2D are already too expensive.  3D, which is the Mc Donald’s Drive-Thru cashiers equivalent of adding the apple pie to every order because there is no alternative, puts the big screen experience for the average American family out of reach.  My response to that is to just stay home, and not just because you can’t get a lower ticket price if you bring your own 3D glasses.  I have discovered what I like to call my Red Box mentality.  It goes something like this.

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A Rant Worth Reading

Liberals see success as a problem – if people are able to live their own lives without the guidance of aspiring liberal fascists, the entire premise of liberalism is fatally undercut. So success is the target, …

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