2019 Golden Globes Honors “Donald Trump” by Not Mentioning Him At All

Entertainment Award show hosts, presenters, or winners bashing President Donald Trump is expected. Big-Mouth Limousine Liberals don’t typically pass on the opportunity. Microphone. Audience. Trump Derangement Syndrome. Boom! That’s how they roll. Ratings are tumbling anyway so why not. Wait, what?

It’s not just about the art? Ratings matter? They do, so this year’s Golden Globes managed to run from beginning to end without mentioning Donald Trump even once.

None. Nein. Nicht. Nada. Nothing.

The best we got was Christain Bale thanking Satan for the inspiration to play Dick Cheney. Big deal. You want to impress us, change your first name to Asmodeus. or better yet how about Christian Beelzebub?

Emily Jashinsky at the Federalist has more.

This marks the first Trump-free Globes ceremony since 2015. By comparison, both the 2017 and 2018broadcasts were peppered with rebukes of Trump. Meryl Streep delivered her infamous “football and mixed martial arts” jab at the ceremony two years ago. All the way back in 2016, Ricky Gervais joked that Trump couldn’t wait to deport America Ferrera and Eva Longoria.

Ratings Really Matter

Emily agrees with me. This is not a truce. It’s all about ratings, which I find amusing because if that’s true, this is an admission that Hollywood has been pissing off their customers. People who disagree with them. Knuckle-dragging rubes in flyover country. And while they probably still think all those things someone said: “don’t do it.”

Don’t bash the President. We need better ratings. Bashing Trump costs us, viewers. Which means advertising dollars. Which the socialist entertainment dopes will never openly admit is rich people using capitalism to get richer.

Emily closes, in part, with this.

“it’s a smart strategy on Hollywood’s part for two reasons: Giving people a hard-earned and much-desired break from the industry’s Trump fixation, and starving a man who loves nothing more than attention from the haters of any attention from the haters.”

Don’t expect this to become a thing.

| The Federalist

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