CHRISTIAN TOTO: Is Paramount Feuding with William Shatner? “The exclusion of James T. Kirk in modern ‘Star Trek’ marketing is yet another example of efforts to diminish Shatner’s contribution and to emasculate strong male characters on television and at the movies.”
Look, his ego is indeed as big as the outdoors (er, the solar system? or Milky Way?), and he can rub the people who count the wrong way. The product coming out of Hollywood lately does give rise to that bolded part. I don’t watch many movies and not a lot of TV programs on my own (I do sit on the couch and blog whilst TMEW is watching her shows), but for those I see, there aren’t many really strong standalone male characters in those shows.
Yet, our culture has been touting females since back in the late 60s, and back then, needful. I will go out on a limb, however, that it’s time to swing that pendulum back from portraying men as the bumbling fool husbands| Dads| boyfriends | et al in commercials and stories.
Boys, we see now, are expected to be like girls in pants (when they aren’t boys in dresses). I’ve watched the Remote Learning sessions and have walked away with the valid impression that female teachers treat girls better than boys. Women now are the largest percentage of college students and earn more degrees than men. Don’t get me started on the “pay gap” or housework” either.
No, all we seem to get is the “toxic masculinity” thrown at us. Like this:

What she said to me as I was carrying her to dry ground was “the last time I was carried like this was on my wedding night.” And if you’ve seen the other photos with the huge smile, that is where it came from.
(Image H/T: CBC.CA)
(H/T: Instapundit)