The Oscars – If Somebody Watched It, It Wasn’t Me!

by Skip

Disclaimer: I don’t like 98% of most movies. I hate sitting through them without the possibility of multitasking. And most of Hollywood’s offerings aren’t worth the spit in my mouth. Furthermore, if I want to get preached at, I go to church. So, now this.

How’s all that incessant, insufferable woke, depressing lecturing via film, interview, social media & at the actual, awful awards show going, Hollywood?

(H/T: Daily Wire)


I have no intention of paying big bucks to someone whose only talent in life is to get paid for fantasy work (e.g., making like they’re someone else they aren’t) just so that they can insult me. WHY, in the name of God’s green earth, would I pay even more money to allow these sad-sack mushes to keep throwing half-baked talking points at me with no obvious intellectual heft to them?

Thus, I can’t remember the last time I went into a movie theater (even pre-WuFu) to watch something. I can hardly sit still at home when TMEW asks if I want to watch one (quick, run upstairs to get the laptop – if she wishes to watch, more power to her. Snide remarks do come slithering out of the corner of my mouth under my breath when PC Wokeness appears.

But that’s just me. I’m just really glad that the rest of us are seeing the long bake time starting to come due (emphasis mine, reformatted):

Early Ratings: Oscar Viewership Sinks to Record Lows

Sunday’s hostless Oscars drew a 1.9 rating among adults 18-49 and 9.85 million total viewers, setting new record lows, according to the earliest available data from Nielsen, which is not time-zone adjusted. Those initial numbers for the 2021 awards show, which was taped at Union Station in Los Angeles and aired live on ABC from 8-11:17 p.m. ET, represent a decline of 64% in the key demo and 58% in overall viewers compared to 2020’s results. A more accurate comparison can be made when finalized data comes in Tuesday.

Methinks that the Entertainment Biz may be starting to realize that patting themselves on the back so often with a “Look how GOOD we are!” attitude is wearing thin (more so with the actors than the musicians as the former are more apt to do the lecturing than the latter) with a LOT of their customers.

No more are people falling for the “LOOK AT ME!” demands from these self-absorbed and increasingly out-of-touch paid-well-above-their-weight-class harridans and knaves.

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