As If I Care: Hollywood Celebrities Plotting Strike Until Everyone Gets The Jab™

Not to keep beating this dead donkey, but we’ve got another cabal of misinformed Libs launching a strike in the name of the pandemic Narrative. And this time, it’s an actual strike.

Related: VAERS Shows 2-Year-Old NH Girl Died Within 24 Hours After Getting COVID Vaccine.

A group of liberal Hollywood celebrities are threatening a “massive, all-round Hollywood strike” until every last one of us is vaccinated. Describing Hollywood as “the base of the entire modern American culture”, the group also claims to be speaking on behalf of “humanity’s better nature.”

Rosie O’Donnell, Jennifer Aniston, Gwyneth Paltrow and Gene Simmons are among the dozens of artists, entertainers, and activists who have attached their names to an effort calling for a month-long strike to encourage people they are calling “vaccine dodgers” to succumb to the jab.

In the wake of several very mainstream admissions that COVID death numbers were rigged, Minnesota Democrats are trying to strip a doctor of his license because he has, since April 2020, suggested (with proof) that they were rigged. It is not a conspiracy theory. They were rigged. These Hollywood liberals have a similar problem but with added dramatic irony. It is a well-known fact that The Jab does not prevent infection or stop transmission, making it as meaningless as a few dozen Hollywood celebrities going on strike until everyone gets juiced up.

Related: Satanists Require Proof of COVID Vaccination, and You Must Wear a Medical Face Mask

Good luck with that.

More recent admissions of inadequacy include its complicity in the rise of myocarditis, pericarditis, and stroke, as well as a long list of other difficulties, including death. Adding insult to vaccine injury, the CDC has acknowledged that they missed hundreds of safety signals from the vaccine harm reporting system they ignored.


THat face you make when you have all your covid shots


Supervillain Bill Gates admits they don’t work, the UK has banned boosters for healthy people under 50, and kids can’t get jabbed because the risk outweighs any benefit. Oh, and Hollywood celebrities think we’ll be motivated to ignore all of that and more to get Jabbed so they can get back to work.



Hollywood celeb statement on proposed strike


Is this one of the most disconnected statements ever made, at least until you read this one?


Hollywood celeb statement on proposed strike 2


Too much irony. I can’t take it anymore.


This is so amusing that it is absurd. Either Hollywood has a top-heavy hand in shaping culture, or culture has a hand in shaping Hollywood. Whichever you believe, can we agree it has already destroyed or at least caused severe damage to one the other or each to both? An indefinite strike might be precisely what we need. A void is quickly filled by existing or new online content creators to whom the un-entertained will flock if they are worthy.

Null effect on vaccine uptake, I’d guess, but a strike could affect a culture. The rich, entitled”ones with the power” and money will be fine, but the folks who work behind the scenes – the little people – could suffer severe financial harm, and I’d guess most or all of them are already vaccinated.

Your audiences do not serve you. You serve them. And that employs thousands who might be out of work if you go on a vaxx or abuse hiatus. So, do it, but I have to warn you. I do not need you for anything, nor does what you do exceed a desire to avoid myocarditis, stroke, or death from an intervention that doesn’t do any of the things promised, and I’m not alone.


Here’s the full Report via Rumble.

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