Pledge Allegiance To Obama!?

Jessica Alba pledges allegiance to Obama
The Line To Vote for King Obama Starts here

You heard right.  The latest trick to come out of the Obama campaign  hat.  Take a picture of yourself, hand over heart–something vapid written on your hand (policy memes in a vacuum) so everyone can see it, and post it to show your undying support for Dear Leader.

I’m not sure what strikes me as more insulting.  The fact that there is a campaign effort to ‘Pledge allegiance’ to a politician, or the fact that there are people stupid enough to a) not see that for what it really is and b) to actually do it.

Expect a long list of ring kissing left wing air-head celebrities to rush the camera to show their allegiance to their King.  Like Jessica Alba, for example.

(I see a counter campaign in the works…with people writing things on their hands that are not pro-Obama.  At least I hope I do.)

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