Woman sceince scientist researher lab

Let’s Rebuild Scientific Inquiry

On November 16th, there was a public hearing for a non-germane amendment to HB255 for the purpose of requiring exemptions for conscience, religion, and medical, including prior infection for all entities in the state of New Hampshire when it comes to the COVID-19 vaccine.

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Amy Coney Barrett

Confirm Amy Coney Barrett … Do It Now

We need to confirm Amy Coney Barrett.  It needs to be done now. On September 26 the President made a nomination to the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS). His nominee is Judge Amy Coney Barrett. Judge Barrett would be a justice with commitment to upholding our laws and Constitution. She opposes legislating personal … Read more

Was This Kavanaugh Hearing Protester Paid to “Play?”

This is making its way around so we figured we’d ask our readers for their thoughts.

At the Senate hearing for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, this woman screamed about stopping Kavanaugh from being approved. Made a scene. You know the drill.

Make sure the cameras catch it so the media can milk its pre-defined narratives for the Democrats to work. Complete with an actual payoff?

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GrokTALK! – Balsams And Bailouts And Boondoggles, Oh My!

Senate Bill 30 makes changes to state law that could allow a never ending series of taxpayer backed bailouts of private ventures.  The first of these, which is what motivated the legislation, is the Balsams Bailout- a time-share resort / Money pit.  Kimberly Morin sat through the hearing for the bill and gives us an … Read more

Senate Hearing on HB399 at 9am Today

The news cycle is full as we watch and wait for more details on the Back Bay Bombing that has so far killed at least 3 and wounded 140.  Our prayers go out to everyone affected, but up in Concord, New Hampshire today their will be additional business to attend to.  The State Senate will … Read more

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