Jussie Smollett Update

Smollett was the actor known for his role in Fox’s “Empire.” For filing a false police report Smollett were brought. He did this after claiming to be the victim of a racially-motivated attack. Special prosecutor appointed A former U.S. Attorney, Dan Webb, has been appointed special prosecutor. His swearing in was Friday. The appointment was … Read more

Hate Crimes Against Jews In NYC

Viewing NYC… New York City (NYC), which is the nation’s largest city by population, should it be considered a proxy for the United States? New York has a socialist mayor. It has a socialist among its representatives in the U.S. House of Representatives. NYC votes heavily Democratic. Or, is NYC more correctly portrayed as representative … Read more


Not Buying The Jussie Smollett Subway Attack

I want to stick my neck out a bit on the unfolding Jussie Smollett “MAGA beating.”

It looks like the Chicago PD might be interested in getting the whole story. They may demand access to his cell phone. That cell phone is key to finding out what really happened for Smollett to get such a small scratch on his right cheek.

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Jamal Gray JPG Manch PD

Not Your Typical “White Supremacist”

In late October someone spray-painted swastikas “in and around” Wagner Memorial Park. About a block from the Temple Adath Yeshurun. They were discovered the day of the Synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh. The initial reaction by ‘some people’ is to declare it the work white supremacists. In recent years this refrain has been followed by ‘Trump.’ Every individual … Read more

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