I have heard a rumor that no one is above the law. This is the alleged rationale for the indictment of former president Donald Trump. To borrow from our President-in-Name-Only, I only have two words: Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Hate Crime
Hate Crime Hoaxer Jussie Smollett Rehearsed His “Lynching”
When Jussie Smollet made his wildly unbelievable claims about being attacked, we laughed and laughed. It was funny because it seemed evident from ‘GO’ that the only hate crime committed was by Smollett.
“This is a terrorist Attack against the LGBT community,” – Okay, Francis, But the Perp is a Gay Man
We have another classic hyperbolic reaction from the Left. Some guy in a truck runs down two gay men at a pride event, and it has to be some hate-motivated knuckle-dragging Jesus-loving, right-wing bigot. You can ask the mayor and some in the media, but if you ask the driver of the vehicle, different story.
Woman of Color Arrested for Scratching ‘White Pride’ in Sidewalk in front of Black-Owned Business
What started out as an investigation into a potential “hate crime” in Tennessee turned out to be a “hate crime” of a ‘different color.’ One with which we are so painfully familiar. The Hoax variety.
Jussie Smollett Indicted
Actor Jussie Smollett was charged again on Tuesday. This time it was part of a six-count felony indictment. The prosecutor is accusing him of staging a phony hate crime in Chicago.
Political Violence is Rising and Escalating
Ryan Saavedra from DailyWire.com is reporting that authorities in Florida are dealing with a situation from Saturday. Republican volunteers were registering people to vote. They were working in a tent. A man deliberately rammed a vehicle into the tent.
Is it a Hate Crime if a Man Refuses to Have Sex with a Transwoman Because She has a Penis?
A transwoman in search of a glamour modeling career agreed to have consensual sex with the photographer (filmed for money) until the photographer discovered “she” had a penis. The transwoman is outraged and calling it discrimination.
Another Fake Hate Hoax: “Racist Posters” Put Up By Students of Color
If you are looking for some attention on a college campus, commit a hate crime against yourself. That’s been the pattern. So this news is no surprise. Everyone freaks out over racist posters on campus, only to discover what?
Speech Policing: NYC Bans the Phrase “Illegal Alien” – Fines Up to $250K
The Big Crapple has taken another Marxist leap forward. The One-Party State that runs the city has declared the use of the term illegal alien a hate crime punishable by a quarter-million-dollar fine.
Jussie Smollett Update
Smollett was the actor known for his role in Fox’s “Empire.” For filing a false police report Smollett were brought. He did this after claiming to be the victim of a racially-motivated attack. Special prosecutor appointed A former U.S. Attorney, Dan Webb, has been appointed special prosecutor. His swearing in was Friday. The appointment was … Read more
Hate Crimes Against Jews In NYC
Viewing NYC… New York City (NYC), which is the nation’s largest city by population, should it be considered a proxy for the United States? New York has a socialist mayor. It has a socialist among its representatives in the U.S. House of Representatives. NYC votes heavily Democratic. Or, is NYC more correctly portrayed as representative … Read more
Black Transgender Woman Arrested for Randomly Pepper-Spraying White People
An individual commits as many as seven racist “hate crimes,” no film at 11 or any other time. The attacker was not white. They were not wearing an NRA T-shirt, a MAGA hat, and no Flags on their clothes (American, Gadsden). Not worth reporting. She was a black transgender woman.
Update: Actor Jussie Smollet Paid His Hate-Crime Hoax Co-Conspirators
Yesterday we posted news on the arrest of two Nigerian men in Chicago implicated in the reported hate crime against Empire star Jussie Smollett. Neither man was charged but CNN reports that both were paid by Smollett to perpetrate the haox. Two law enforcement sources with knowledge of the investigation told CNN that Chicago Police … Read more
Jussie Smollett Hate Crime Hoax Allegedly Aided By “Extras” From TV Show Empire
We shared Ed Naile’s suspicion that Jussie Smollett’s hate crime was a hoax. Too many things made no sense. Not the least of which was MAGA hat wearing white supremacist gay-bashers with bleach. Out trolling homosexual actors of color at 2 am on a record-cold Chicago morning. And then letting them keep his Subway sandwich.
Not Buying The Jussie Smollett Subway Attack
I want to stick my neck out a bit on the unfolding Jussie Smollett “MAGA beating.”
It looks like the Chicago PD might be interested in getting the whole story. They may demand access to his cell phone. That cell phone is key to finding out what really happened for Smollett to get such a small scratch on his right cheek.
Not Your Typical “White Supremacist”
In late October someone spray-painted swastikas “in and around” Wagner Memorial Park. About a block from the Temple Adath Yeshurun. They were discovered the day of the Synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh. The initial reaction by ‘some people’ is to declare it the work white supremacists. In recent years this refrain has been followed by ‘Trump.’ Every individual … Read more
Black Student Arrested at Elite School for Hate Crime Against Himself
Student protesters reacted predictably when “racist graffiti” was discovered on their campus. In keeping with the kind of education provided at institutions of “higher” learning. “White supremacists are getting bold under President Trump.” The only problem? The perpetrator was a black student who directed the racism at (drumroll please) himself.
FBI Report: Hate Crimes Plummet Under Republicans in ‘Too White’ New Hampshire
Regular readers will know that I do not believe in either hate speech or hate crime as legal concepts. Any motivation, in the context of hate crimes, comes loaded with bias and opens the enforcement mechanisms in society to justify persecutions contrary to the purported purpose of adding “hate” to crime in the first place. … Read more