Political Violence is Rising and Escalating

Ryan Saavedra from DailyWire.com is reporting that authorities in Florida are dealing with a situation from Saturday. Republican volunteers were registering people to vote. They were working in a tent. A man deliberately rammed a vehicle into the tent.

Related: Man Allegedly Plows into Trump Voter Registration Ten

The police perspective of the attack

The Florida Times-Union reported. “Jacksonville police say a driver intentionally crashed a van through a tent… where Duval County GOP volunteers were registering voters Saturday afternoon… Several Duval County GOP volunteers were working at the registration tent … when a white man in his early 20s driving an older … possibly 1980s … brown van pulled up toward the tent.”

Lt. Larry Gayle of the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office is being quoted. He said law enforcement was looking at the incident, “as in reference to interruption of the political process… We are investigating this as an aggravated assault… Several people were in the area and could have been seriously hurt. … JSO is taking the situation very seriously.” The Florida Times-Union added … Gayle said that after the driver rammed the vehicle …  he got out and flipped off the victims before running away.

How did we get here?

It is time that we understand actions have consequences. Our Democrat leadership has been attacking anyone who does not submit to them for three years. They have been after Supreme Court nominees, the President and any lesser official not submissive to them. The Democrat leadership have been speaking and acting irresponsibly. It is as though everyone not in agreement with them are the enemy. They are guilty of the charges the Democrats level until proven innocent. No one except them deserves due process. This is getting serious people.

They have enlisted thugs like Antifa to beat people in the street. Now they are running people down with cars. This violence has political motivation. This latest incident was attempt to murder. It was an attempt to intimidate not aggravated assault. It wasn’t a 95 year old putting the car in the wrong gear. This was an intentional attack on the volunteers working from that tent.

This incident is no different than the murders we’ve heard and read about in Europe. Those are murders where the terrorists drive down the sidewalk running over people. The unprovoked, senseless attacks on Trump’s supporters need to end. Such cowards will not silence Americans. These disgusting acts will only make Trump people more determined.

The fix

It is the leadership of the Democrat party who need to adjust their rhetoric.  The perpetrators are coming from their ranks. The sentiments they give voice to, their followers are acting out. The socialists are focusing on achieving control through power and intimidation. We call it tyranny. They are willing to destroy anything and any one in their quest for power. That includes violation of the law, the constitution and American principles and values.

Don’t believe that? Take an honest look at their leadership. Tell me; have you heard Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler, Schumer, AOC, Tlaib, or Omar speaking out against this “action” in Florida? Have you heard them? Crickets? Political violence is rising and escalating and it is coming from one side… the left.

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