Harry Reid injury

The Wisdom of Harry Reid?

Former Democrat Senate leader Harry Ried, who lost a battle with an “exercise Band” that then convinced him to retire from politics, has some advice for Democrats running for things, like the office of President.

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Reid: “Government is inherently good”. SSA goes after son after they overpay Mom (who is deceased).

by Skip

Really?  Let’s put aside the continual slur laid upon the TEA Party by Reid as he continues to assault anyone or any group that poses a threat to limit the growth of Government (for if it is good, then more MUST be better, right)?  Problem is, how’s these apples, Harry?   This, is good governance?  That an agency as large as the Social Security Agency can take someone’s tax refund willy-nilly after deciding that person needs to pay for SSA’s mistake to another (reformatted, emphasis mine):

Imagine if your parent received an over-payment from the government but decades later, the government took the money out of your tax return.   Gilbert Stokes, 60, of Jacksonville, said it happened to him.   “I’m angry,” Stokes said Wednesday morning.  Stokes felt the same way when he received a letter from the Social Security Administration in January.   “[The letter] said [SSA] was going to withhold my taxes unless I contacted about this social security over-payment,” Stokes explained.

Forty-two years ago in 1971, Stokes’ mother Ruby Lee received an over-payment of $895 while he was in the Navy.

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I really hope that Kelly Ayotte, BFF with John McCain, is not playing this game

by Skip

Captains Quarters on the incipient Gun Control activities by the White House and the “set up” in Congress (emphasis mine):

They want to turn hunters against the NRA and modern sporting rifles. Fat chance. That didn’t work out so well for David Petzal or Jerry Tsai. Their plans to divide and conquer the NRA will meet with disastrous results. Every minute spent on such a tactic is wasted, and thus we have to hope that they expend a lot of energy on it.

But the later part of the strategy, i.e., politics, is far more fearsome and they have proven very adept at that approach. Gun Owners of America (h/t Mike Vanderboegh) gives us an inside baseball look at the current tactics.

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Now if this was a Republican saying this…

by Skip

But just as Booker [Corey Booker, Democrat Mayor of Newark, NJ] announced he would seek the Senate seat, Harry Reid came out to sabotage the effort. Reid told Politico: I always support incumbent senators. I would always support Lautenberg or anyone else that’s running for reelection. He’s (Booker) a very good man, he would be … Read more

Has Jeanne Shaheen Had A Come To Jesus Moment on Taxes?

Eighteen Democrat US Senators have sent a letter to Harry Reid requesting that the Medical Device tax portion of Obama-Care be delayed. The letter does not say it directly, preferring to dance around the issue, but it is obvious that these 18 Democrats, New Hampshire Senator Jeanne Shaheen among them, believe the Medical Device tax … Read more

Speaking of going out of business…

by Skip

Uh-oh: “…Unemployment at 8%, $16+Trillion in debt, $1 Trillion + annual deficit, GDP growth is the worst recovery is vapid, the Rule of Law being ignored faster and faster….”

And now this:

Harry Reid on Raising Debt Limit to $18.794T: ‘We’ll Raise It’

(CNSNews.com) – Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said on Wednesday that if the $16.394 current legal limit on the federal government’s debt must be raised in the next few months by another $2.4 trillion, “We’ll raise it.”

That would set the debt limit at $18.794 trillion.

Fine.  Wonderful.  Let’s have the financial armageddon come faster and harder, shall we?  Not just $16 Trillion (100% of GDP) but let’s start the process of going to twice that.  Gee, I thought that the purpose of our elected leaders was supposed to keep the country safe from enemies from without and within?  How does raising the debt to this level accomplish this, Senator Reid?  Or is this, again, a feature and not a bug?  Would you get even more peevish if I said that this would make us more “susceptible”?

Wonder if that’s why this came up – TODAY (right AFTER the election)?:

 Fitch Ratings threatens to downgrade the US’s credit rating.

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Blogline of the Day: by Instapundit’s Glen Reynolds

by Skip

“let me just say that if Obama wins on Tuesday, I intend to be every bit as gracious and cooperative as the Democrats were in 2000 and 2004.” here.  And remember, we will only be mirroring what US Senator / US Senate Majority Leader  and Democrat Harry Reid said if Romney wins: “Mitt Romney’s fantasy … Read more

Medicare Fraud – [Updated and Bumped – Again…]

When I say “Medicare Fraud,” I’m not referring to the corrupt practices of people and professionals who are milking taxpayers by running fast circles around the bureaucratic behemoth that is Medicare.  I am referring to the left-wing Democrat lie-factory that has nothing in its barren campaign quiver but fear tactics.   That is the fraud I am referring to.   That and the fraud they will perpetrate on every aspect of the Ryan Budget.

I just hope Harry Reid has nothing to say about the Ryan budget…you know…that might get awkward.

Here’s a short clip from CBS news c/o Hot Air on Romney/Ryan and Medicare…

[Update(s) on the jump]

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“Harry Reid” Is now Defined as a Sexual Position

First, thanks to Duane Lester (Fellow RightOnline Blogger) for the heads up on this priceless piece of pop culture. Someone has made an entry to the Urban Dictionary defining the term “Harry Reid.” The Urban Dictionary lists ‘Harry Reid’ as : A sexual position where you climb on top and then do absolutely nothing. Named … Read more

Do Nothing Democrats

It has been three years since the Democrat party produced a federal budget. The Democrat Senate has blocked repeated efforts by the Republican controlled House to ‘do something’ about that. President Obama, Senate leader Harry Reid, and the Democrat leaderships contribution (including their media homunculus) has been to demand compromise without giving any.

NH Dems Endorse Obama Tax Increase

As reported in the Union Leader Ray Buckley and the State Democrat party would like people to call members of congress and encourage them to support Mr. Obama’s tax on investors and job creators so Democrats can fund public sector union jobs and keep the dues-donations rolling in.  They also support the push to defer millions in social security revenues on to the shoulders of our children, though Buckley words it differently.

The plan would cut the payroll tax that 30,000 New Hampshire small businesses pay, provide tax relief for families, funding for police, firefighters and teachers, school building improvements and transportation projects in the state.

This entire effort is another organized scam to fund unions and Democrat campaigns, in the run up to November 2012, at taxpayer expense.  The payroll tax cut is a useless gesture, not a cut but a deferment, so what we have is more of the same catastrophic economic policy that has kept us in a recession and on the brink of collapse for three years now.

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