GrokTALK! April 19th, 2014 Jerry DeLemus From The Bundy Ranch in Nevada

GrokTALK! PodcastingThis was such an important segment that this week I will post it first. Former NH House Rep and long time political activist and Veteran Jerry DeLemus joins us by phone, on the ground at the Bundy Ranch in Bunkersville, Nevada, for an extended segment.  We’ve got Cowschwitz, snipers, BLM’s  mismanagement and abuse of animals and wildlife, and the sense of things on the ground right now.

The segment is broken into three parts here but the GrokPodcast page, iTunesTuneIn, and Stitcher versions will play the entire segment as one file.

Jerry DeLemus at the Bundy Ranch Segment 4a

Listen or Download to Segment 4a Here

Jerry DeLemus at the Bundy Ranch Segment 4b

Listen or Download to Segment 4b Here

Jerry DeLemus at the Bundy Ranch Segment 4c

Listen or Download Segment 4c Here

Listen to the entire podcast here.


Full Episodes of GrokTALK! are also available on iTunes, iHeart Radio, Spreaker, TuneIn, or Stitcher

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Individual segments are now available throughout the week on iTunes, TuneIn, and Stitcher.

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