I have A Solution for Harry Reid’s Problem With the Bundy Ranch Patriots

We spoke to Jerry DeLemus about the standoff, and what BLM did, or is still doing.  And for days now, Senator Harry Reid has been calling the families, moms, kids, and anyone else who showed support for the Bundy family, domestic terrorists.

I have a solution.

Just rename the standoff “Occupy Nevada.”

If that’s too grand a notion, then Occupy Clark County, Occupy Bunkerville, or how about Occupy Bundy Ranch?

The last time I checked Harry Reid thought those Occupy folks were fine, upstanding, patriots with speech rights, “property rights,” and an important message about what it means to be American.

Sure, they (the Occupiers) were not exactly peaceful. They were about as conscientious about the land they were on or the property of others as the Bureau Of Land Management (BLM) was to the land, animals, and property the Bundy’s used to graze and care for their cattle.

And while none of the folks helping the Bundy’s would ever do anything similar to what the Occupy “occupiers” did, if they really “had to go,” Harry Reid could not possibly have a problem with anyone using the side of the nearest federal vehicle to promote the ‘movement.’


Updated: Replaced original image and reformatted to Grok 2018 update defaults.

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