Democrats Continue to Obstruct Obama

Reid still giving us he fingerHarry Reid’s excuse for refusing to bring the Obama Tax away jobs bill to the Senate floor was a busy floor schedule. This is only important because Reid and the Narrative gang are busy blaming Republicans.  But Dirty Harry Reid might as well have said he couldn’t do it because he had to wash his hair or arrange his sock drawer. 

The same Senate that cannot be bothered to address the matter of a budget–except when erecting straw men about Republicans obstructing this or refusing to fund that when they already know there is money available–does not appear to have much in the way of important business.

Would you like to see the more pressing matters before the US Senate for which Reid could not make time to ‘issue This Bill.?’  Follow the jump…


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Laying Some Pipe

The Democrat controlled Senate had the opportunity to create jobs, generate growth, add some tax revenue, and did I say create jobs? But Harry Reid couldn’t bring himself to get the Keystone XL Pipeline project approved before the recess.

Good Cop – Bad Cop

iStock Photo ImageEveryone knows Good Cop, Bad Cop. 

You have gruff and uncompromising on one side, and then someone else shows up sweet as pie.  The goal is to get something you want that they do not want to give up. 

So is Mr. Obama’s compromise on stopping a tax increase part of the good cop bad-cop formula?


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Ed Morrissey over at Hot Air shares with us Senator Jeff Sessions revelation that despite the events of early November, Mr. Reid has submitted his badly written DREAM act aka-amnesty bill, on four seperate occassions in recent months. Ed brings the point home so well I’ll not even try to do better. (As if I even could)

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