Reid: “Government is inherently good”. SSA goes after son after they overpay Mom (who is deceased).

by Skip

Really?  Let’s put aside the continual slur laid upon the TEA Party by Reid as he continues to assault anyone or any group that poses a threat to limit the growth of Government (for if it is good, then more MUST be better, right)?  Problem is, how’s these apples, Harry?   This, is good governance?  That an agency as large as the Social Security Agency can take someone’s tax refund willy-nilly after deciding that person needs to pay for SSA’s mistake to another (reformatted, emphasis mine):

Imagine if your parent received an over-payment from the government but decades later, the government took the money out of your tax return.   Gilbert Stokes, 60, of Jacksonville, said it happened to him.   “I’m angry,” Stokes said Wednesday morning.  Stokes felt the same way when he received a letter from the Social Security Administration in January.   “[The letter] said [SSA] was going to withhold my taxes unless I contacted about this social security over-payment,” Stokes explained.

Forty-two years ago in 1971, Stokes’ mother Ruby Lee received an over-payment of $895 while he was in the Navy.

“My first impression was someone was trying to punk me,” he said.  Stokes’ mother died five years ago.  “They only show this one letter being sent. And it’s an over-payment that they can go out and get their money,” Stokes said. “That’s the office response to my question about the delay.”   Stokes said the government took matters into its own hands and deducted the money from his recent tax refund.

No due process.  Just a letter.  He needs to prove his innocence.   Good Governance, Harry, that the government will go decades to punish someone instead of admitting its own mistake?? Just another slice that proves:

The Bigger the Government, the smaller the citizen

Especially when that Bigger Government goes after the wrong citizen.  If you or I did what it just did, we’d end up in jail….for theft.  For an “inherently good” Government never has to say “I’m sorry”.

(H/T: First Coast News via  TaxProf Blog via Instapundit)

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