Sidearm pistol handgun holster open carry

Night Cap: Try This Simple “Trick” to Make Democrats Lose Their Tiny Narrow Minds

It doesn’t take much to twist the panties of the average all-in-leftist. Fragile is an understatement. They are tightly wound emotional time bombs with more triggers than a gun store. Speaking of which, if you’d like to see them snap like a dry twig, cut a school budget, or add this optional funding for public schools.

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Sidearm pistol handgun holster open carry

Is That a Gun in Your Pocket, or…?

Apparently, a man in St. Paul, Minnesota, was playing basketball in the gym of his local school on Family Night when his gun ‘went off,’ shooting him in the leg. As those of you who have been following the adventures of Alec Baldwin know, a gun doesn’t just ‘go off’.  Someone has to pull the trigger.

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The first rule of gun safety

Feel Good Story of the Morning: “He Shot Him A Lot.”

Another well-done DGU (Defensive Gun Use). A law-abiding citizen exercised his right to self-defense when a criminal home invader decided that the homeowner’s stuff should be HIS stuff.

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Alec baldwin balmes the gun

Let’s All Watch Alec Baldwin Blame the Gun

When there’s a shooting, Dems quickly blame the tool, not the person using it. Forks and spoons make people fat, and smartphones and keyboards, not people, create mean tweets.

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Alec Baldwin - Twitter screen grab (Jack Prosobeic

Did Alec Baldwin “Fan That Smoke Wagon”?

In response to my question about how to make a Colt Single Action Army (SAA) revolver fire a round without ‘pulling the trigger’, a reader offered a possible answer.

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Alec Baldwin - Twitter screen grab (Jack Prosobeic

Could Alec Baldwin Be Telling the Truth?

Alec Baldwin is now saying that he didn’t pull the trigger on the gun he used to shoot his director and his cinematographer:

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Baltimore City gun crime vs US

The Left’s Super ‘Safe’ Gun-Ban Baltimore Has Ten Times the National Homicide Rate reports thataccording to the pro-gun-control Giffords Center, Maryland is the “fourth-strongest” in terms of gun restrictions.” At the same time, Baltimore has more than ten times the number of homicides as the US Average.

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NH Firearms Safety Coalition presents Massod Ayoob – Parts 1 & 2

Following the intro remarks by Ralph Demicco and Tom Brown, Massod Ayoob took to the podium.  A internationally recognized expert in training, speaking, and writing about firearms and the safety concerns, he gave a serious talk about how local retailers and firearm instructor could recognize the signs that someone is looking to end their lives with a firearm.

Instead of turning to government for “answers”, the NHFSC and others like Mr. Ayoob are looking for the industry to actively become engaged in this topic without it being politicized, compromised, or co-opted.  Their mission is education and it was clear that Mr. Ayoob was centered in this mission.

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NH Firearms Safety Coalition presents Massod Ayoob – intro remarks by Ralph Demicco

Earlier this week, the NH Firearms Safety Coalition held an event at the BassPro Shop in Hooksett, NH where they hosted nationally known firearms speaker, writer, and trainer Massad Ayoob.  That video is in process as we speak and I’ll be putting it up later on today.  However, Ralph Demicco, well known in the Second Amendment community as an active supporter as well as the former owner at Riley’s Sport shop, gave his introductory remarks.  He heads up the NHFSC whose sole aim is helping retailers and instructors how to help those at risk for committing suicide.  The statistics are sobering – suicides using firearms which make up 2/3rds of the 32,000 (or so) gun deaths each year.  Ralph and the NHSFC wish to diminish that number.

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Our own Miss Susan gives entitled Hahvad kids an #IOPening

Londonderry Fish And Game Logo


These Harvard kids got the lesson of their life in the Heartland

…Nearly all of them agreed that they didn’t know what life was like outside the coastal cities and states. Only one student, Henna Hundal, 20, had grown up in a rural environment — an almond farm in Turlock, Calif., — while Kessler, a computer-science major, was the only member of the class who had ever fired a gun. The students ranged in age from 19 to 21, with an equal number of girls and boys and a wide variety of ethnic backgrounds. The majority of them hailed from cities and suburbs in blue states along the East and West coasts. One was from Wales.

They admitted they had been fed a steady diet of stereotypes about small towns and their folk: “backwards,” “no longer useful,” “un- or under-educated,” “angry and filled with a trace of bigotry” were all phrases that came up.

…Two weeks later in Londonderry, NH, the students visited a gun range at [the Londonderry]Fish and Game Club and saw something else they didn’t expect — 40 women of all ages, shapes and colors pointing pistols at a target.

I wish I could have been there.

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Competition Shooter Jessie Duff Takes Us To School

Nothing puts a debate about firearms into perspective like holes in sheet metal.  So here is professional shooter Jessie Duff showing us what kind of damage you can do with various weapons to make a point.  That the lefts caterwauling has no point.   H/T Laura Rambeau Lee –

Say Hello To My Little Friend

  What is it that Liberals do not know? Treat and respect all firearms as if they are loaded; Point the muzzle away from non-targets and in a safe direction; Keep fingers off the trigger; Be sure of your target and of what is beyond it; Schmucks….

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