Our own Miss Susan gives entitled Hahvad kids an #IOPening

by Skip

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These Harvard kids got the lesson of their life in the Heartland

…Nearly all of them agreed that they didn’t know what life was like outside the coastal cities and states. Only one student, Henna Hundal, 20, had grown up in a rural environment — an almond farm in Turlock, Calif., — while Kessler, a computer-science major, was the only member of the class who had ever fired a gun. The students ranged in age from 19 to 21, with an equal number of girls and boys and a wide variety of ethnic backgrounds. The majority of them hailed from cities and suburbs in blue states along the East and West coasts. One was from Wales.

They admitted they had been fed a steady diet of stereotypes about small towns and their folk: “backwards,” “no longer useful,” “un- or under-educated,” “angry and filled with a trace of bigotry” were all phrases that came up.

…Two weeks later in Londonderry, NH, the students visited a gun range at [the Londonderry]Fish and Game Club and saw something else they didn’t expect — 40 women of all ages, shapes and colors pointing pistols at a target.

I wish I could have been there.

Susan Olson, a silver-haired instructor, made her way over to the students with a broad smile and a swagger. For women, knowing how to operate a gun, she told them, is “the most empowering thing we can do.”

“We teach safe gun handling — from what parts make up a pistol and how it operates, to how to clean your pistol, how to store it and, of course, live-fire training and skill development,” Olson said, rattling off the key points like a shopping list.

Read the whole piece; good to see that the author, Selena Zito, brought her brood of Harvard students to see “the real world” out of the Progressive bicoastal retreats”.  One of the problems is that there very little intermingling anymore without the sharp political / cultural fighting points coming to the fore right off the bat.

I do have to chuckle – while our own Miss Susan may well be “silver-haired”, she also has a no-nonsense spirit about her that wasn’t mentioned; she suffers no fools.  Shopping list? I would slightly disagree with that analogy; who remembers a longish list of any week’s grocery list – that list of REAL gun safety items (versus the bastardization of our common language by Progressives in seeking their political agenda).  If people actually followed what she and the others teach at the Womens’ Defense League of NH, NH State Rep Katherine Rogers would have absolutely nothing at all to say.


(H/T: NY Post)

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