NH Firearms Safety Coalition presents Massod Ayoob – intro remarks by Ralph Demicco

by Skip

Earlier this week, the NH Firearms Safety Coalition held an event at the BassPro Shop in Hooksett, NH where they hosted nationally known firearms speaker, writer, and trainer Massad Ayoob.  That video is in process as we speak and I’ll be putting it up later on today.  However, Ralph Demicco, well known in the Second Amendment community as an active supporter as well as the former owner at Riley’s Sport shop, gave his introductory remarks.  He heads up the NHFSC whose sole aim is helping retailers and instructors how to help those at risk for committing suicide.  The statistics are sobering – suicides using firearms which make up 2/3rds of the 32,000 (or so) gun deaths each year.  Ralph and the NHSFC wish to diminish that number.

Here is both his introductory remarks about the NHFSC as well as the PSA that the NHFSC created for NH based gun retailers and instructors:


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