You know, we are SUCH pains in the neck for poor Harrell (heh!)

by Skip

UPDATED AND BUMPED – Upon the news that NH Democrat Party Chairman Ray Buckley is planning to run for Chair of the Democrat National Committee, I thought I’d make it a bit easier for der Google to help them out.  Originally posted on November 1, 2010. Yup, poor Harrell Kirstein, Press Secretary for the NH … Read more

REAL Hateful, Offensive speech….Part 2

by Skip

UPDATED AND BUMPED – Upon the news that NH Democrat Party Chairman Ray Buckley is planning to run for Chair of the Democrat National Committee, I thought I’d make it a bit easier for der Google to help them out.  Originally posted on October 10, 2010.

Remember, my punch line was “you know how that sumbitch lies”.  Others called for actual deaths (and yes, I forgot all about Nick Lavasseur) in my previous post.  I also failed to post up what the Google turned up…

How about question:

“How about this trip to the Hague?”

How about the answer:

“Hitler should have bombed it”

  • Was it a conservative that said it?  Er, no.
  • Was it a TEA Party supporter?  Er, no.
  • Was it a Republican?  Hardly
  • How about someone that holds a public office that is a Republican?  Nope
  • How about a Democrat? Yer gettin’ warm
  • How about a highly placed NH Democrat Party official?  If you said yes, you’re pretty good playing 21 questions (or recognizing the obvious)!
  • Is it a NH Democrat Party official?  Yup
  • Has he ever been called out on it by the NH Democrat Party?

Oof – to my knowledge, only by Paul Hodes.  Seems that the rest of them totally embrace him (eeewww!)

  • Has he ever apologized for his words?

Not to my knowledge, nor of Google.

Video after the jump (Not Safe For Work.  Or children.  Or sensitive ears.  Lewd behavior / speech warning).

Again, Ray Buckley, NH Democrat Chair, is, oh, so ever casual, in stating that Hitler should have initiated an action that could have killed thousands of innocent lives in the Hague during World War II.  That’s no joke.

And no, this is not an infraction of Godwin’s Law – Frankly, Ray Buckley did himself.  Also, frankly, it doesn’t even have to do with The Hague or Hitler.  It IS, however, a demonstration of a very callous attitude exhibited by the head of the NH Democrat Party toward innocents.  That’s no joke.

And the NH Democrats, knowing of the video at the time, still elected this person Chair, prioritizing results over ethics.  It shows the hypocrisy exhibited by NH Democrat Press Secretay Harrell Kirstein too.  Hey, Harrell?  What is the official statement by the Democrats on this hate speech?

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“In hindsight it may even seem inevitable that a socialist society will starve when it runs out of capitalists.”  —Larry Niven


How does one become an Occupy Wall Street Protestor? A quest for understanding in a somewhat complicated topic. Why? Because there are some who seem to demonstrate a modicum of intelligence and articulate usage of the language when the camera is rolling. And, there are some who dress reasonably normal (normal meaning, no obvious hygiene challenges, maintaining a groomed appearance). Those folks are in the vast minority. And certainly it would not be an accurate statement to say these slackers are all “youth generational.” The camera has caught some old enough to be peers of my parents.

But the task at hand is an immediate one. How do I blend in? How do I become an OWS protestor. I suppose I should start with something superficial. Ah yes! you say, “Things aren’t always as they appear.” and how right one might be to make such a characterization. But any good leftist will tell you, honesty is a relative term. “Your views are your views.”  Kind of akin to calling people racists because they don’t like Obama… Yet, when it is pointed out that these same “racists” like Herman Cain, the argument shifts to, “you only like him because he gives your racism cover.” Rank dishonesty is the domain of the left. And outward appearance is what we first see from our friends in the lame stream media.

As a segue into my OWS protestor journey, I neither shave nor shower for an extended period of time. (if I wish to wholly embrace this slacker look, I don’t brush my teeth, either..If a casual observer spies a chive stuck in my teeth when I smile, I have arrived) It is important to engender that, “rail against the establishment” appearance. Smelling ones’ own smell, is sufficient validation one has achieved parity with the OWS appearance.

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“Liars are always ready to take oaths.” —Vittorio Alfieri


On Wednesday, September 21, The New Hampshire Supreme Court heard from Kristin Ruggiero. Kristin seeks to overturn her convictions arguing that the court should have excluded a photo of her cell phone number, and an intercepted telephone conversation that served as the evidence that brought her to her current demise.

Kristin Ruggiero was sent to Jail in May of 2010, convicted of twelve counts consisting of lying and falsifying physical evidence. Kristin had tried to do what many before her have done and gotten away with: Using the court system to exact a personal vendetta against her ex-husband Jeffrey Ruggiero.

In oral arguments before the Court, Attorney Mark L. Sisti argued that the evidence used to convict Kristin should have been thrown out because it was disqualified under N.H. RSA 570-A:6 because in New Hampshire, her consent was not obtained by the parties in South Carolina to make the intercept.  New Hampshire commonly referred to as a, “two party” state, requires consent of all parties before any recording may be made, while South Carolina does not. Sisti concedes that, while no crime may have been committed by the recording because the interception took place in South Carolina, A New Hampshire resident still has the expectation of privacy under the statute, and the evidence should have been excluded. Sisti essentially argues for an absolute long-arm immunity without consideration to laws of extra-territorial consequence. (Listen to the arguments HERE).

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When Homeland Security Becomes Racist


“Every Muslim, the minute he can start differentiating, carries hate towards Americans, Jews, and Christians; this is part of our ideology. Ever since I can recall I felt at war with the Americans and had feelings of animosity and hate toward them…” –Usama Bin Laden, December, 1998 on Al Jazeera

From across the fruited plain come the hues and cries yet again declaring, “racism and bigotry!” Isn’t free speech a real gem?

A former New York State prison official gave testimony Wednesday at a second Homeland Security hearing in Washington asserting that radical Islam is making in-rows into the American penal system. In a report by Fox News, A New York prisons official testified that radical Muslims have made “sustained efforts” to indoctrinate inmates in America, at a second hearing on Islamic radicalization held by Rep. Peter King.

 And as with King’s first hearings held on back in March, Wednesday’s hearing was just as fraught with cacophonous protests and cries of racism. Representative Bennie Thompson, a Democrat from Mississippi and ranking Democrat on the House Homeland Security Committee, says, “The threat of terrorism from U.S. converts in prison is ‘small.'” Enter Laura Richardson, a liberal, Kool-Aid drinking Democrat from California who suggested the hearing was “racist,” further asking why Muslims in prisons are being targeted as opposed to other religious or ethnic minorities,” reports Fox News.

 An imam who works as a chaplain in a county jail on Long Island was one such protestor of the King Homeland Security hearing. says this imam, “I have seen no evidence of terrorist recruitment at the jail.” Yet this “peace-loving” imam goes on to tell Fox News, “If we found anyone in our community committing an act of terrorism, by the time the police got there the matter would be settled and there would be one less terrorist,” can you feel the brotherly love?

 So, what did the cops all have to say?

 Patrick Dunleavy, a retired corrections official in New York told the committee that radical Muslims have been trying to convert U.S. inmates to their cause for decades. “Despite appearances, prison walls are porous. Individuals and groups that subscribe to radical Islamic ideology have made sustained efforts to target inmates for indoctrination.”

 Former California federal prosecutor Kevin Smith cited the cases of Kevin James and Levar Washington, who both plead guilty in 2007 to “conspiracy to levy war against the United States through terrorism.”

Smith characterized the actions of both men as a “seditious conspiracy” hatched inside California’s prison system.

 Top Los Angeles Police Department official Michael Downing, described the radical Islamic conversions as a “phenomena of low volume,” but holds “high consequence” considering the sheer size of the U.S. prison population.  “We do have a problem,” he said. “Prisons are communities at risk.” 

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Let’s Ask Ray And Kathy

I have a question for Ray Buckley, current chairman of the New Hampshire Democrat party and Kathy Sullivan, former chairman of same. Is this voter intimidation or not?

Union Thuggery -Coming Soon To A State House near You.

WI ThugsI was just thinking back to all the loose talk from the left about ending the gun ban in the New Hampshire State House.  How they imagined someone just unloading over testimony supporting same sex marriage–to use one example–kids getting cut down in the cross-fire.  And how they fell over themselves trying to scare parents into keeping their children from ever visiting the place because it was now just too dangerous.

Then I look at the way the union run leftists in Wisconsin are acting.  How they are storming the state house, climbing in through windows, and forcing people to flee for fear of their well being.  These pro-union forces are pushing against state troopers trying to get past them.  Maybe being let in by union cops.  Just because they demand the ability to collectively bargain for benefits (not wages–they still have that privilege as far as I know.)

What is perhaps more instructive is that the left in New Hampshire supports them.  I’d bet money you will not hear a peep in opposition to any of this from the state leadership of the democrat party.  Nothing about State Senators running away like spoiled children.  Nothing about the hate speech, the Hitler signs, the threats or the aggressive mob tactics and intimidation.  They support that–and by their own rules support it through their silence.

So what of it?

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Who are the REAL “Tea Baggers”?

Remember all the derision and visited on the Tea Party movement by the Mainstream Media talking heads and Deep Thinkers? Remember how the Mainstream Media invented and then deplored the "extreme rhetoric" and "hatred" that didn’t exist in the Tea Party movement? And then they deployed a liberal "inside sexual joke," tagging the Tea Party protesters as "tea baggers"?

Well… is pleased to announce that the real practitioners of hatred and extreme rhetoric have been spotted, photographed, and now labeled! What’s the opposite of a "Tea Bagger"? What’s really ugly, hateful, and perverted on the political scene today?

We now give you the practitioners of real hatred and extreme rhetoric—essentially, the "real"  tea baggers, mounting the barricades for the political/government/ruling classes….

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How About Them Nazis?

Given how touchy the New Hampshire Democrat Party (NHDP) leadership is about comments relating to Jews and Nazis I wanted to wait a few days before addressing the words of Tennessee House Democrat Steve Cohen. Cohen made a few, lets call them ‘off-hand remarks’ about propaganda, Republicans and Nazis. He then did it again with spin. And again. (and..Zzzz)

Hater Heal Thyself

If the discourse is so toxic and progressives are so concerned about where this will take our country, then perhaps they can demonstrate their commitment and compassion and lead by example?

What’s All This Then?

Tom has done Yeoman’s work in bringing us examples of the left wing hypocrisy known as ‘real’ hate speech.  But it’s hard to beat the work done by Michelle Malkin, who has what may be one of the most comprehensive examples (and it is somehow still incomplete) of what motivates the progressives. As you scroll … Read more

Got Hate? The “JohnnyBBad” Edition

Thanks to Fairmind over at Red Hampshire we have this story.  A regular contributor at Boo Hoo Hamster posted what amounted to a death threat against Speaker Bill O’Brien. “I was just in Cahncid driving down Main St. and my car tried to speed up when I saw Speaker O’Lien in the crosswalk…thank God my … Read more

F… The President

During a review of Mr. Obama’s Republican tax compromise with the democrat caucus one democrat House member was overheard expressing his distaste for the plan with the comment… “F…the president.”

CAIR and the Muslims are always kvetching about hate crimes….

by Skip

Does a Progressive group calling Cornerstone Action akin to being the Taliban a hate crime?  Certainly, Blue Hamphire doesn’t think so.  But I digress…the latest FBI numbers are out.  In order of incidence in 2009: 8,336 victims of hate crimes: 48.8 percent of those victims were targeted because of a racial bias (4,057 victims of … Read more

And just so that the Hatin’ Dems won’t feel left out….

by Skip

"you know how that sumbitch lies" … After all, hate is an all encompassing emotion.  But here’s ONE Democrat that is actually LAUGHING over it: That would be the DEMOCRAT Libby Mitchell, running to be Maine’s next Governor, LAUGHING at the idea of casting President Bush as a terrorist. Yeah.  Not exactly "that lovin’ feeling", … Read more

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