Hateful, Hateful speech….

by Skip

Got REAL hate? My goodness, how uncivil!  Let’s play "Who Said It?" At that point, what appears to be a second voice interjects: “What about saying she’s a whore?” “Well, I’m going to use that,” Brown responds. “It proves you’ve cut a secret deal to protect the pensions.”  The new definition of civility If we … Read more

Left’s Got Nothing, So Let’s Take Out The Trash

Put this Congress Where It BelongsComparing 8/28 to 10/2 is a bit silly.  One was not meant to be political, the latter was entirely so.  8/28 inspired hundreds of thousands to share rides and come together in honor, One-Nation’s unions and CP activists paid for the buses that delivered their paltry numbers.  8/28 was a kind and caring event about thanks and personal reflection, 10/2 was a crowd of selfish, angry windbags looking to protect their free ride on the backs of the taxpayers, and to expand the totalitarian power of a huge central government. 

Not too many people seemed to want that.

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Mustache Love

Lyndon LaRouche democrats have been showing up at tea party events with the Obama Hilter-mustache signs and posters, and now we have Obama For America democrats–now Organizing For America–waving pictures of Republican candidates, or pundits like Glen Beck and Sarah Palin, with Hitler mustaches painted on them.

Do they have special markers for that at the DNC headquarters?

What is up with democrats and their obsession with Hitler? Methinks they doth protest to much.

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Real Hate–from where else?

Here’s some real left wing hate for you.  It’s so bad I won’t post it on Granite Grok, but you can follow the link and check it out for yourself.   Warning.  Coarse language, threats of violence, images of left wing nut-bags with offensive signs and t-shirts while the audio messages play. It’s who these people … Read more

Got Hate – Democrat On Democrat edition

Gateway Pundit has all the details, (here and here) and it is now clear that the person who firebombed democrat Russ Carnahan’s office was one of his own (former) disgruntled staffers.  This is a guy who spent time harassing Tea Party activists and who was later let go for failing to do the canvassing job … Read more

They Are That Stupid

Do you have them in Extra-Hypocrite?A bunch of Linden LaRouche democrats show up at Tea Party rallies with Obama Hitler signs and the progressive left tries to blame the Tea Party.  The left has made it public knowledge that they will themselves show up and pretend to be part of the Tea Party movement with racist and insulting signs or comments to prove that the Tea Party is full of racists.  They will be disruptive and destructive.  And now a movement has been announced at NetRoots that encourages the left to tell the Tea Party What you really think about them.  So they are basically going to be themselves in front of regular Americans who are not very happy with democrats right now.


Over at RedState, Dan Spencer actually received a forwarded Email with the basic instructions for this latest effort against the Tea Party.

“Set aside your good manners, your tolerance, your measured understanding of policy differences, and your earnest do-gooder ideas for a [sic.] just a moment to join me in telling the Tea Party what you really think of them.”

No offense but what good manners?  And tolerance?  What tolerance would that be exactly—that you’ve not devolved into actually killing them, because I’ve seen video of people getting beat up by you guys.  How is this any less tolerant or less well mannered than anything else you and your fellow travelers have tried to perpetrate in the past eighteen months?  Don’t think too hard you’ll hurt yourselves. 

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Why It Doesn’t Pay To Defend A Democrat

Republican House Rep Steve Vallincourt came to Tim Horrigan’s defense over his Pailn comments.  (This from this mornings Union Leader.)

“Rep. Horrigan didn’t wish anyone dead; he simply stated a political truth,” Vaillaincourt wrote. “Were Sarah Palin to die today, her myth, like actor James Dean, would surpass anything she’s done in life. If Dem officials took Rep. Horrigan to the woodshed for these remarks, they rather than he should be resigning."

In response to Vallincourt’s comments Harrel Kristein, democrat party, issued a prompt press release

"Will NHGOP Practice What They Preach? GOP Representative praises comments about the death of Sarah Palin."

“If the New Hampshire Republican Party is really concerned with abhorrent political speech, they should immediately denounce Rep. Vaillancourt’s comments and ask him to resign.”

I guess that means you can’t talk about it, even to defend Horrigan?

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Lest you think that Got Hate! Lefties are only in NH…

by Skip

Hatred abounds on the Left?  It seems that the Got Hate! crowd goes right to the heart of Progressivism – right to the Big Dollar Dogs: So one of the people who helped build the Center for American Progress, creator of Think Progress, has created a new movement, hitting upon a slogan which really expresses … Read more

Horrigan Resigns

Just about everyone who would read this probably already knows this–Tim Horrigan has resigned after posting comments about Sarah Palin on facebook in response to the discussion about Keith Halloran’s "death wish" comments.   And while the resignation is probably appropriate, the situation surrounding it has it’s own bits of intrigue.

First, the comment that got Mr. Horrigan in trouble on Halloran’s facebook post–the one that is posted at NowHampshire and on the Granite Status, is not the only one.  A second version appeard briefly on a seperate facebook post–since deleted it seems and no I did not do a screen capture–but I did copy and paste the text into the comments section of my previous post on the matter while looking for the original.  Here’s that comment.

"ironically a dead Sarah Palin would’ve been much more of a problem for the left than the living one is. her myth has very little to do with anything she has ever said, done or accomplished. in fact, she isn’t actually DOING anything now. s…he doesn’t even SAY anything aside from "you betcha" and "mama grizzly." all she ever accomplished was to help McCain blow the 2008 election. she’s just a blank wall on which some people project their hopes and some others, like the unfortunate Keith David Halloran, project their hatred"

The wording is very similar to the orignal, though with more detail.  Sorry I did not get the capture–but what does it mean?  He took the time to write it twice. It wasn’t just a fluke spur of the moment thing. Whatever that portends, he has since apologized and resigned his seat and his re-election. I’d say he means it.

But is that all there is to say?


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Secret Squirrel Goes Public–Palin More Dangerous Dead

Democrat Timmy "Secret Squirrel" Horrigan has followed Keith Halloran’s lead and stuck his little "Secret Squirrel" foot in it.  Now!Hampshire has the goods again, and once more we find Facebook coming back to haunt the left. .. “dead Palin wd be even more dangerous than a live one…she is all about her myth & if … Read more

Kathy “Lawsuit” Sullivan – Little kids defense?

by Skip

"just wish sarah and levy were on board," Gee Kathy, we’re REALLY happy that we’re in your thoughts and that you could think of us so quickly.  As a lawyer, with the sheer brainpower that allowed you very quickly write all of MaggieSpeech (which could have shut us down in the realm of politics), it … Read more

Got Hate? -The Keith Halloran edition

Keith Halloran is famous.  If for some reason you did not know this, the reason for his sudden brush with national fame (or perhaps infamy) is that candidate Keith Halloran, NH Democrat, wished Sarah Palin Dead.  In a discussion about the death of Senator Ted Stevens, Halloran–clearly a product of the Ray Buckley/Kathy Sullivan wing … Read more

Reparations for Gays? When will victimhood march ever end?

by Skip

A big part of the Left schtick is setting up a group for sainthood victimhood, make them a protected class and thus making them more equal among equals (a la Animal Farm).  And that then, in the Socialist mindset, allows for this wealth transfer and political punishment: "You know, I – gay people in this … Read more

Got Hate? Left-Wing “Journolists” Do

Kudos to Steve for opening up a discussion on ubiquitous left-wing hatred…a malady far, far more evident and widespread than anyone in the government Ruling Class would ever deign to admit. And yet…there it is, every day, staring us in the face. It’s so prevalent, in fact, that it takes a New York Times, a … Read more

Got Hate?

  In another round of "Who’s Really Got the Hate" liberals win again. This time the liberal hate comes from a producer for an NPR program called "Left, Right, and Center" from affiliate KCRW.  (It’s NPR so it’s more likley Far left, Left, and Mostly left.") In todays example a member of the impartial media comments … Read more

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