Let’s face it: COVID is flu

COVID is flu. This is an inflammatory statement in today’s societies all around the world. If you propose this to almost anyone, you’ll get scoffed at. A decade ago, this statement wouldn’t have meant anything. Yet, now, it is the truest statement regarding the events of the past few years. It is precisely the truth.

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CDC Flu Map new scary colors and double counting

The Flupocalypse is a Lie

Believing anything “the government” says was always tricky. We can add a new measure of skepticism to government agencies pretending to be interested in public health. The COVID response killed that, and they are back to make matters worse.

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Four Horseman graphic - painting - artwork

The Next Pandemic

Nitzakhon note: I am not really out of my hiatus mode but this is IMHO critical enough that I am putting it out anyway despite the risk to my personal situation.  This was started a couple of months ago, but in light of recent events vis a vis a potential new virus, plus other things happen globally, I wanted to get it out there ASAP.

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