Genital Exams: Coming to a School Near You? Per the CDC

Ann Marie Banfield

Years ago, 6th-grade girls were given genital exams in a school in East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania after the State decided that all children should undergo physical examinations.

Parents had the option of having those exams done by their private doctor or at school. Unfortunately, some children were forced to have the exams done at school, which traumatized many young children:

In March, 59 girls at J.T. Lambert Intermediate School in East Stroudsburg were marched to the school nurse’s office, ordered to take off their clothes and then examined one by one by a female pediatrician.

Some parents have said that girls were screaming and crying, that nurses blocked doors and refused to allow the girls to call home, and that one girl tried to jump from a window.

Recently some parents found out that their children received the COVID – 19 vaccine at school without being notified or consenting. In this case, it was reported that the district might be sued by the parents of that 16-year old child. There was a permission slip signed, but the child did not forge it and the parents did not sign it. So who did?

“The egregious and reckless actions of Ochsner and East Jefferson High School went well beyond any legal or moral bounds and at a minimum, constitute a battery upon the minor child,” Ravain’s attorney, G. Shelly Maturin II, said in a statement.

According to the lawyer, the teen signed up for the vaccine but thought that meant he was receiving the shot at a later date. He meant to discuss it with his mother before the vaccination, but then felt pressured and got the jab.

The Epoch Times reported that Jennifer Ravain’s signature was on the consent form, but Maturin said she did not sign the document and that her son did not forge it.

We are having enough problems without opening school health clinics.

So what does the CDC come out with?  They are  recommending a medical clinic in all schools. What can go wrong? PLENTY!!

This is what the Health Center will look like according to the CDC.
Notice the examination table:
CDC Virtual healthy school 1

CDC Virtual healthy school 2




CDC Virtual healthy school 3


We know that the Teachers Union in New Hampshire and the New Hampshire School Boards Association (NHSBA), are fighting to hide curriculum from parents. We know that the NHSBA released a model policy  JBAB to all schools, which included a provision for teachers to hide information from parents. It’s not like these organizations are forthcoming to parents about what is happening with their children at school.

Now the CDC wants schools to offer medical services to children too. One can only assume that the Unions and the NHSBA will want to hide as much of that information from parents too!

The CDC will now be in charge of Curriculum, sex, drugs, and our children’s health and mental health records.

Here is what one education researcher posted on her Facebook page regarding the CDC’s role in our public schools:
Kelly Ske
May 8, 2021 ·
Here’s a serious additional concern on the way for education to pay attention to. This design is concerning and will further erode parental rights (kids and schools making more decisions without you)…and increase Planned Parenthood’s presence along with “equity” CRT, Social Justice, data mining of children, and Social Emotional Learning. This makes sense as to why the CTA (California Teacher’s Association) is currently lobbying for “health clinics” on all campuses (likely to be run by Planned Parenthood).
It is marketed very well for what it seeks to do. You need to research this. Makes sense that this is falling closer into place as Teacher’s Unions want homeschooling, Charter Schools, and Private Schools to be eliminated…pretty soon they may even argue that doing so is “equitable.” Also…what will “Health Equity” look like?

Kelly was featured on the Glenn Beck program because of her research:

Kelly, an education advocate and mom from California, joins me to explain how SEL — Social Emotional Learning — is being implemented into schools throughout the nation. And though clever marketing from the far-left makes SEL sound like a positive addition to our kids’ education, it’s actually incredibly dangerous. Plus, Kelly tells me how the CDC is transforming schools so that the federal government can have a role in EVERY aspect of our kids’ upbringings — including their health.


Traingle CES, SEL, CRT


If you’ve been following my posts over the years, you can clearly see that the public schools are moving away from a focus on academics, to shaping the values, attitudes and behaviors in our children. All of this starts with Competency-Based Education (CBE). CBE allows all of the controversial standards to be adopted and measured. When you measure a child’s values, you then have the ability to change them.

Parents need to understand what is coming to their public schools. They need to make sure our Commissioner is well aware of this attack on our families, and that he is committed to a focus on quality academics.

If you listen to the interview with Kelly on the Glenn Beck program, she talks about the sexualization of children and the grooming that is taking place now in the schools. This is intentional and attempts to marginalize, or even remove parental authority.

This new model not only supports turning schools into mental health centers, this will include offering children medical and dental services too.

We already know that the school staff who administer mental health assessments and services to your children, do not follow a strict code of ethics that require informed consent when assessing and treating your children. How will they handle medical and dental care?

Parents and taxpayers, is this what you signed up for when you were told to fund your local public school? You must also fund their mental health, dental work and medical issues too? Expect your budgets to increase even more than we’ve seen. And for what? Services that you do not want in the hands of educators who are struggling to get the children to proficiency in math, reading and science?

What could go wrong? A lot.



  • Ann Marie Banfield

    Ann Marie Banfield has been researching education reform for over a decade and actively supports parental rights, literacy and academic excellence in k-12 schools. You can contact her at:

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