Flu Vaccines Were Never Worth The Risk and COVID Boosters Just Make Matters Worse.

Booster uptake has plummeted worldwide, but the public health mountebanks continue to hawk their COVID wares, aided by flamboyant charlatans in the media. The push to inject is still on, despite the lack of evidence any flu vaccine ever worked.

Dr. Sherry Tenpenney dug into the history of flu vaccines and unearthed some eye-opening data, like how it’s been known for about 60 years that flu vaccines don’t prevent flu.


There is little evidence that recent vaccines have significantly prevented clinical illness, as well as equally little evidence to evaluate effects on mortality.” – The U.S. Public Health Service 1964

“flu shots are ineffective and possibly even harmful in the most highly targeted group, the elderly.” – NYT 2005

“The runaway 100 percent effectiveness that’s touted by proponents [of the flu shot] was nowhere to be seen,” said Dr. Thomas Jefferson – Lancet 2005


A review of recent data confirms the old consensus (outside the money-making halls of big pharma and those to whom they donate) that the ordinary flu vaccine is, at best, a placebo and, at worst chemical roulette.


I analyzed the data from the 1997/98 flu season up through the 2015/16 flu seasons. Here’s the table I created, showing that in any given flu season, only 15.34% of illness was caused by influenza viruses. That means the flu shot was worthless almost 85% of the time in preventing the flu; it’s even MORE worthless if the viruses in the positive samples don’t match the serotypes that are in that year’s flu shot!


I’ve shared my experience. The few times I’ve had a flu shot – not for many years now, thank you – I got the flu. The years I skipped it, no sign of or a very mild and brief head cold. When the COVID shot came along, the decision was not difficult. I skipped it.

Professor Angus Dalgleish, Professor of Oncology at St Georges Hospital Medical School London, says you should skip it as well or – skip the boosters. It’s no news to us, but he says they worsen matters for you.


[T]he side effect profile is getting worse and broadening and I and many oncologists from around the world have been alarmed at the sudden increase in cancer relapses and new cancer growths, which only have a recent Covid booster vaccine in common.  …

Giving a booster vaccine for Covid is associated with T-cell suppression and a change in the type of antibody induced which, taken together, explains why the immune system is no longer able to control the cancers it was previously doing very well.


The data confirming these truths continue to pile up, which is inevitable when your human test trial encompasses 70% of the global population. That extensive survey will produce outcomes nearly impossible to ignore though not for lack of trying. The misinformation folks continue to rely on bumper-sticker slogans like anti-vaxxer to label science they can’t explain or won’t. But their zealotry over COVID “vaccine” uptake has led to revelations about previous flu seasons, what the Public Health Industrial Complex calls cures or prophylactics, and their lack of efficacy.

The COVID-19 Panic over-reached, and while a majority of the injected population may not yet have discovered that governments and health experts or bureaucrats do not have their best interests at heart, the long shadow of the campaign to get a needle in every arm continues to accumulate casualties that will be harder to ignore.

The COVID apology tour wasn’t the breakthrough we expected. Still, it is evidence that there is a growing uneasiness among the literati as what they’ve labeled sudden adult death syndrome comes for people they know or love.

As I wrote in November of 2021, as part of an updated look at athletes dropping dead, who has to die? To which we add, and what are you prepared to do about it? Public Health has become little more than a revenue silo for the Pharma Oligarchy, and if that doesn’t change, you’ve no reason to believe anything they or your doctor tell you.

You can ask why, but you might not like the answer. The institution has been taken over by people who would rather you were dead but will happily make money from that on the way.


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