Institutional Disinformation from the Public Health Industrial Complex

I had to drive someone to the emergency room last night. I spent four hours (from 11 pm to 3 am) lounging uncomfortably in a chair made to prevent napping. The “patient” was seen, attended to, and dismissed with the typical diagnosis. They had no idea what was causing the problem. But it wasn’t a wasted trip.

Between reading on my phone, surfing memes on iFunny, and changing positions in an effort to “rest my eyes,” I noticed a television in the waiting room set up to provide information. It cycled, so when I thought I didn’t see what I thought I saw, I had plenty of chances to prove I did. I did. I did see a putty-tat!

“Did you know that the risk of a heart attack is six times higher after you catch the flu?”

Since when? Since COVID-19 and that pharmaceutical intervention about which everyone got so excited? That’s my take. It means the graphic and the copy could use a bit of editing, which I did in my mind.

It was a quiet four hours at the ER. A few folks complained of abdominal pain. Someone came in because their father had arrived by ambulance. And there was a young lady who said without any obvious embarrassment that she had a persistent, hot, itchy rash on her ass.

If that was her boyfriend with her, I have a thought or two about how she got that way.

And I don’t mean to sound crass. I hope they all got better results than we did, but how can you be sure when the propaganda vision is telling us “that the risk of a heart attack is six times higher after you catch the flu when it should say “the risk of a heart attack is higher after you “catch” the mRNA flu shot.” Just how much higher depends on who you are and how many of them-there fancy-new-fangled gene-therapy injections you allowed in the temple (that’s your body).

The Vaccinated, peace be upon them, just drop dead, and age is no defense. Children, teens, college age, and anyone injected have some percentage chance that they will suffer myocarditis or pericarditis or drop dead. The Public Health Powers that be have even admitted to these ailments while downplaying the odds or severity.

That’s not public health. That’s marketing.

And yes, if you have a preexisting heart condition, the stress of a full-blown case of flu could cause you grief. Heck, full-blown flu can knock you out for two weeks easily if you are healthy. But Pneumonia is a more likely risk. That’ll kill you if the hospital hasn’t.

There is no mention of that on the Obey machine, which seems like a misstep unless you’ve got other plans, so I wonder if we could find some of that middle ground across which the Left is always trying to drag Republicans.

You need to stop censoring people – especially medical experts – whose science or research contradicts the paid programming. Like Dr. Meryl Nass. She had her license revoked to practice medicine in Maine for spreading “COVID-19 vaccine misinformation or disinformation.”

The powers that be have since dialed back many of their charges as it has become obvious that she was right, and they can no longer hide that fact.

Dr. Nass had a hearing yesterday to get her license back.

The world needs one of those to get its free speech back, especially in America, where that natural right is protected by a Constitution. A distinction that matters, especially on this topic.

The Machine was the source of the misinformation and disinformation, and on so many levels, we could lose count. Medicine and public health have suffered a mortal wound that, as I’ve noted in the past, is on purpose and whose cure, according to the folks who broke it, is for them to run it.

If that were to happen, medical science would come to a shuttering halt because, without objective dissent, science and progress are impossible. Medical freedom would cease to exist. And the only message would be the one on the TV in the ER waiting room but it would be everywhere.



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