Fauci and The Feds Knew ‘From Day One’ That COVID Vaccines Would Probably Fail …

Bad News for COVID Cultists week continues, and it’s another doozy. One of the movement’s high priests has released a paper that admits that COVID vaccines, like all flu Vaccines, aren’t likely to do much because they are systemic, not mucosal.


SARS-CoV-2 is among viruses that “replicate in the human respiratory mucosa without infecting systemically,” along with influenza A, RSV and common colds, and “have not to date been effectively controlled by licensed or experimental vaccines.”

The paper is especially hard on flu vaccines, which have a “decidedly suboptimal” track record and the best of which “would be inadequate for licensure for most other vaccine-preventable diseases,” they wrote. COVID vaccines are developing the same “deficiencies” as variants evolve around them.

“It is increasingly accepted that route of vaccine administration (e.g., intramuscular, intranasal, conjunctival, or aerosol routes) is a key determinant of mucosal respiratory response,” the authors wrote. “In general, and when feasible, mucosal immunization seems the optimal approach for respiratory viruses.”


This melds nicely with our report two weeks ago about Bill Gates. He announced that the mRNA platform vaccines don’t block infection. Is anyone else sensing a disturbance in the force? The timing can’t be a mistake. It’s probably a snowball. They pushed off the top of The Hill, and it’s picking up speed and mass as it goes. Gates, Fauci, so who is next? What if the end game?

We know they love the mRNA platform, so should we expect an inhaled version of this thing in the coming months or years? Will it start like this?


Bill Gates recently got “the band” back together to play that “what if” a global pandemic board game he fancies. The last one was Event 201, and we all know how that turned out. This time the “virus” has a “higher fatality rate than COVID-19 and disproportionately affecting children and young people.


It will start in Brazil, according to the war game. And what do you mean by a higher fatality rate? Once we filter for BS and lousy policy, COIVD’s fatality rate was not exceptional. As for the practiced response, COVID policy and treatment increased the fatality rate, which suggests your war gaming is a lot like “book club” (an empty excuse to meet and drink wine) or the plan was to use policy to end lives.

We can suggest that the subsequent must-have “treatment” may not be a jab. Mucosal treatment is generally regarded as a superior path for preventing flu, as far as I can tell, and everyone, including Fauci, has known that for a long time. Tony just waited until he was not officially a fed to add his name to “research,” which says as much.



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