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Night Cap: Divided We Fall

The notion that we are a land divided isn’t something surprising to most of our readers. They see it and accept that it is a deliberate act by the political establishment, with the understanding that they (the uniparty) are dividing us to cement their ongoing rise to power.

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Dear Goffstown Voters … YOU Are The Problem

Dear Goffstown voters: you don’t get to elect an extremist like Kelly Boyer to the Board of Selectman (whoopsie; so sorry; you changed Board of Selectmen to “Select Board”), and then complain about Goffstown having a problem with extremists: Does Hate Really Have No Home In Goffstown. What’s that, you say? Boyer is not an … Read more

Who’s Afraid Of GraniteGrok? … Manchester State Rep Alissandra Murray, That’s Who

Is State Rep Alissandra Murray afraid of  GraniteGrok? I think Ali probably HATES GraniteGrok. You could see the hate all over Ali’s X before Ali made it “protected,” i.e., not public … which happened shortly after GraniteGrok began exposing Ali’s EXTREMISM and HATE using Ali’s own Xs (formerly tweets), e.g.: Support Anti-White Racism … Vote For Rep Alissandra Murray.

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Is Pride Month Doomed?

Some in the LGB community can probably see it coming. What used to be an expression – albeit a bit oversexualized – of pride in an alternative lifestyle choice has been hijacked. The T and the Q are in the driver’s seat, and the party bus is headed for a cliff.

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Gary Kiedaisch - Gunstock Area Commission

Gunstock-You want EXTREMISTS?? Let Me Present “Citizens for Belknap”‘s and former GAC Commissioner Gary Kiedaisch

Alternative Title: Kibosh for Kiedaisch Obligatory: the picture at the definition of “Arrogant” has Gary Kiedaisch next to it. Why? Sorry, but just SAYING that you are “retracting” your “I Quit” that you uttered last week (video here). However, he has a history of thinking that just because he says something, everyone HAS to believe … Read more

Republican extremists: Martin Luthur King, Jr. and Barry Goldwater

Democrats today love name-calling about Republican “extremism.” I’t not getting much traction, but it does have a distinguished history. So…with a hat tip to a recent column by George Will, here’s what Dr. Martin Luthur King, Jr. had to say about “extremism.” In his “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” he wrote as follows:

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