Dear Goffstown Voters … YOU Are The Problem

Dear Goffstown voters: you don’t get to elect an extremist like Kelly Boyer to the Board of Selectman (whoopsie; so sorry; you changed Board of Selectmen to “Select Board”), and then complain about Goffstown having a problem with extremists: Does Hate Really Have No Home In Goffstown.

What’s that, you say? Boyer is not an extremist? While Boyer may be much more careful about what she posts to social media than other extremists in the New HampshireDemocratCommunist Party, she is an extremist nonetheless.


The LGBTQ+ flag represents the chemical castration of children, biological males playing on girls’ school sports teams, and teachers supplanting parents. So, yeah, I would call Boyer extreme. If you don’t, maybe it’s because the abnormal …the chemical castration of children, biological males playing on girls’ school sports teams, and teachers supplanting parents … has become normal in New Hampshire.

Credit where credit is due. Boyer is an actual political activist. And a good one. Not someone, like me, who just runs his mouth. Someone who actually puts in the long hours and hard work to effect change … of course, that “change” is the transformation of Goffstown into Wokestown.

Boyer uses your values against you … let’s make Goffstown a loving, inclusive, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah place. And it works … you elect her to that institution known in the bad, old patriarchal days as the Board of Selectmen, WHERE SHE CURRENTLY SITS AS VICE “CHAIR”, which emboldens extremists. From the recent post mentioned above:

Two conservatives recently ran for Library Board of Trustees in our local election. This really bothered and triggered another extreme leftist, who happens to be our Select Board Vice Chair’s wife, and she requested the candidates’ actual library cards from the library. After receiving them from the Library Director, she proceeded to display them (including their patron codes) publicly online in order to intimidate and call them out.

You cannot have it both ways, voters of GoffstownWokestown … you cannot elect a Woke-Communist to lead your town and then complain about Woke-Communism in your town. If you want to see the root of the problem, look in the mirror.


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