Is Pride Month Doomed?

Some in the LGB community can probably see it coming. What used to be an expression – albeit a bit oversexualized – of pride in an alternative lifestyle choice has been hijacked. The T and the Q are in the driver’s seat, and the party bus is headed for a cliff.

The over-the-top elements are front and center as they try to normalize gender-transitioning kids. The Democrat party, teachers, schools, and school boards are not pushing back. Parents who do are pilloried and threatened by teachers, boards, and even the DOJ. Pushback was inevitable, and there will be casualties.

And not just the distributors who work for companies like Anheuser Busch.

The push to mutilate kids seems like an odd hill on which to die, but they are playing it not much differently than the problem of moderate Muslims. They exist, but the extremists get more press and run the show. Calls for moderation appear to fall on deaf ears, mostly because they would prefer to be left alone to live or worship in peace. Standing up can cost you your head (rhetorically and literally).

Radicals rule the roost suppressing all dissent by example. Look at what we did to that guy. Do you want to be next? It is an essential tactic of despotic movements, necessary. Radical Isalm has more in common with Stalin and Mao than Washington or Jefferson. The Left’s Democratic-Socialism is equally aligned with mobs that choose to vandalize crisis pregnancy centers in the name of choice, Eco-Warrirors who set forests on fire or derail trains to protect the environment, and the “be you” crowd that needs you to be like them or not at all.

Last year June was Moneypox Month. This year there are nearly 4000 cases in over 50 countries, but it would be intolerant to talk too much about it, and even the World Health Organization is avoiding anything short of regular surveillance announcements.

This year we are seeing pushback in schools, sports, and business. The LGB folks need to figure out what to do with T and Q before the whole mess swings back around, and Pride is little more than a word to describe a bunch of lions who choose to live and hunt together.

In other words, it’s on you to salvage the ruin being perpetuated by the intolerance and overreach of the Transgender movement.



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