Gunstock-You want EXTREMISTS?? Let Me Present “Citizens for Belknap”‘s and former GAC Commissioner Gary Kiedaisch

by Skip

Alternative Title: Kibosh for Kiedaisch

Obligatory: the picture at the definition of “Arrogant” has Gary Kiedaisch next to it. Why?

Sorry, but just SAYING that you are “retracting” your “I Quit” that you uttered last week (video here). However, he has a history of thinking that just because he says something, everyone HAS to believe him.  Like when he let people know that the Gunstock Area Commission’s ByLaws trump NH State Statutes.  He really believes that – after all, he refused to believe me when I told him, several times, that GAC and Gunstock Mountain Resort are not a separate entity from the Belknap County and part of State Government – he and the Sr. Management of GMR WERE on their own and not subject to laws constraining any subdivision of the State.

Again, see above “Obligatory”. So here’s his attempt to revoke his resignation:

GAC Gary Kiedaisch revoking resignation

However, he’s got SEVERAL problems with thinking this is legal and that anyone is going to believe him.

First, he makes the claim that because the Belknap County Delegation hasn’t yet acknowledged his “resignation”, he’s free to rescind it.  There’s a BIG problem with that – unless there is an officially noticed meeting of the Delegation, they can vote on NOTHING. They can’t do ANYTHING without that official meeting status.  The plain truth is that he resigned “in between” meetings – their next meeting isn’t for a while.

Thus, this line of reasoning is a #FAIL.

Second, I went through the GAC ByLaws as well as the enabling / authorizing Legislation that strictly controls what the GAC/GMR can or cannot do.  Once again, the SCOTUS decision, W. Virginia vs EPA, as well as NH’s status as a Dillon’s Rule State, that holds that unless a Legislature EXPLICITLY tells a subdivision of the State it can do something, it can’t.

In this case, I searched “resign”, “resignation” and “quit” in the ByLaws and Statute;they don’t occur in either.  This is important for the following reason.

The Legislature did not state that either the Delegation or the GAC Commissioners MUST (e.g., “SHALL”) affirmatively accept ANYTHING related to a resignation. Thus, merely saying so at a meeting, and in his case, walking out the door, is sufficient.

Here is the resignation he gave last week:

Gary Kiedaisch resignation

So what is done, is done.  It’s clear that Gary Kiedaisch believes he can make up his own rules on the fly and expect everyone else just follow them because he is Gary Kiedaisch.  THAT is being an Extremist!  Further, I’m betting that he is going to try to seat himself at the GAC table come the next meeting. I would advise the Chair of the GAC immediately tell him to leave for that Extremist behavior that HE gets to make the rules – he doesn’t.

I would also advise the Chair of the Delegation to also be at that meeting and be ready do to the same thing to this Extremist that he was forced to do with prior Commissioner Rusty McLear.  If you remember, he had been appointed to finish someone else’s term – and he overstayed by months. He also, made up his own rules to stay.

And if necessary, if Kiedaisch refuses to leave, he needs to be escorted out by Law Enforcement as necessary.

After all, even Extremists are supposed to Follow the Law. The problem is that they believe that the Law is only for us little people – they are above it and subject to it.

Here is the PDF that was sent to me containing both of the above:

Unexpected server response (429) while retrieving PDF "".


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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