MIM and Emma Horseplay 400x

Horseplay, Heroes, and Hope

Who amongst us has never been on a horse? While no equestrian, I did once recklessly mount a big old horse roaming my grandfather’s apple orchard on his remote backcountry farm in Lunenburg, Vermont—way back when I was 11 or so.

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Democrats Support Unions - Oppose Educational Excellence

Thank You for Ruining My Kids’ Education. Now You Will Answer for It.

Good evening, As I discuss with my son his socialist, feckless, “everyone gets a trophy” grading system that YOU ignored the petition of over 300 students and parents to change; and as I now KNOW that many of you signed into effect a transgender policy whereby teachers can call MY kids doorknobs, he, she, they, it, etc. without ANY parental knowledge;

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vose sununu

Huge GOP Win in Epping Special Election

Michael Vose won the Epping Special Election tonight 880 to 806, defeating Naomi Andrews.  Over 1500 ballots were handed out, marking nearly 30% turnout, which is huge for a special election in New Hampshire. Both sides saw this election as vital to win, and poured tons of resources into the small town of Epping to … Read more

trump student Ciretta MacKenzie

UPDATED: Trump Derangement Syndrome Hits Epping High School

Yesterday, the Union Leader reported on a disturbing story out of Epping, New Hampshire where a young teen at Epping High School was forced to cover her Trump t-shirt by the principal of the school. Why? Trump Derangement Syndrome. From the Union Leader: High school freshman Ciretta MacKenzie didn’t think it would be a problem … Read more

How your local Reps voted – Brentwood-Epping

by Skip

Another installment of “How your local NH State House Reps voted” – we’ve done a couple but this is now going to be a regular feature. After all, running for the NH House shouldn’t be just a name recognition or beauty pageant deal – one should be voting based on how they voted (if they … Read more

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