Epping Restaurant Gets Reported for No Masks – Says, We’re Not Making Them Do That

Some COVID-Karen got a burr in their bonnet about Roselynn Homemade Ice Cream Breakfast and Lunch. The employees were not required to wear masks, and neither were the customers. I can only guess that business was good. And they are sticking to their guns (that’s a metaphor).

Related: City-Wide Mask Mandate Defeated in Manchester!

They refuse to make employees or patrons wear masks if they do not feel the need, so they’ve decided to shut down until they can.


The owners refuse to open until they can operate the business the way they did pre-COVID-19. 

The owner of Roselynn Homemade Ice Cream Breakfast and Lunch, in Epping, N.H., would rather close down his business than adhere to state guidelines and enforce mask-wearing policies during the coronavirus pandemic. The restaurant said on its Facebook page it will open in the “near future,” but that could be a while with a second wave of the virus.

“It should be their right to make that decision, just like it should be our right to decide not to wear a mask,” Bodge told the Boston Globe. “If they don’t feel safe or comfortable, they have the option to walk out.”


Bravo on the principles, sad that the snitch has forced them to shut down. I hope they are proud of themselves. All those employees are out of jobs until further notice because you couldn’t just turn around and walk out.

The owner is quoted as saying, “Remember, you’ve got to stand for something, or you’ll fall for anything,” the restaurant wrote in its Facebook post.


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