Huge GOP Win in Epping Special Election

Michael Vose won the Epping Special Election tonight 880 to 806, defeating Naomi Andrews.  Over 1500 ballots were handed out, marking nearly 30% turnout, which is huge for a special election in New Hampshire.

Both sides saw this election as vital to win, and poured tons of resources into the small town of Epping to make victory happen.  Vose was endorsed by the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance, YAL’s Win at the Door PAC, and the Get Involved PAC, in addition to the NHGOP and the Committees under its umbrella.  Governor Sununu also weighed in on Vose’s behalf after he won the primary.

Naomi Andrews, former Chief of Staff for former Rep. Carol Shea-Porter in DC, was endorsed by groups such as Emily’s List, and had help from Democrat candidates for POTUS.

YAL’s Win At The Door PAC have been hitting doors in Epping for months since the filing period for the special closed and they endorsed Vose.  The NHGOP jumped right into action after the primary and has done doors every weekend since.  They also hosted weekly phone banks with many of Governor Sununu’s employees making calls on their own time.  All hands were needed to be on deck, and they were.

We will have to wait to see how much was spent on this State Rep race, a position that pays $100 a year plus mileage (up until June 30th, anyways.) . Naomi Andrews opened an office, something far outside the norm in State Representative races in New Hampshire.

This is a great win for the GOP, and Vose will be a great vote in the House again, keeping the seat that Sean Morrison resigned this year in Republican hands.

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