TRUMP RALLY for EPPING STUDENT !! (Support Free Speech) [Updated – Location Change]

UPDATE: GraniteGrok will be there to cover the meeting.  Come on over and say “HI”!


Students do not forfeit their 1st amendment rights when they walk into a school. So, Come out and support the Epping student who was told to cover her “Make America Great Again” t-shirt.

There will be a rally in Epping New Hampshire on Thursday, April 18th starting at 6:15 pm. The Epping School Board meeting begins at 7 pm.

Go to the Epping Town Hall Epping Middle School and show your support for this student and any student who wants to show support for the President.

Where: 33 Prescott Rd, Epping, NH 03042
When: Thursday, April, 18th 6:15 PM on

Apologies aren’t enough to protect free speech in our schools. Parents and policy matter.

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