Executive Orders

Quick Thought – Who is the Dictator, please?

by Skip

Executive Orders: Clinton—2 in his first week in officeBush—2 in his first two weeks in officeObama—5 in his first week in officeTrump—4 in his first week in office Biden—30+ in his first five days in office Remind me again which president governs like a dictator? 🤔 — Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) January 26, 2021 And given … Read more

to-go beer & wine

To-Go Beer & Wine Coming to a Bar near You!

Since the Government decided to ban dining in at restaurants, many bars, pubs, taverns, and eateries have been a tad anxious. Understandably, of course. Looking at an uncertain future for your business, bills, personal income, and your employees is an anxiety causing event and makes even veteran business owners uneasy. Some State Reps got to … Read more

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