Durbin Amendment Would Erase New Hampshire from the Electoral Map

Even after winning the popular vote, Democrats are hell-bent on the destruction of one of the last vestiges of our Republic. It is a Republic, not a Democracy, but absent the Electoral College, Presidential elections would be decided by popular vote, which, if you’re looking for a reason not to do that, I give you … Read more

Secondary to the 2024 Election

The socialist’s grab bag, leading into this 2024 election, is just jammed full of sound bites for their mindless minions. Conceding that they must and will finally select the most plausible empty suit to run against Trump, their next trinket is twofold: furthering their promotion of democracy along with their drum beating about the supposed negatives that our Electoral College system represents.

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Do Not Let The Electoral College Fade Away

You cannot get through a day without hearing a politician cite a threat to our Democracy. This statement is factually incorrect. The United States of America is not, and hopefully never will be, a Democracy. Our forefathers protected our individual states by creating America as a Constitutional Republic.

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election map by county

We Have to Protect the Electoral College

The Electoral College is a difficult concept to understand, and now that Civics is no longer taught in public schools, fewer people know what the Electoral College is or does. The name does nothing to tip you off to its importance, and maybe we should call it the Great Equalizer.

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Electoral College Clip-Art Library

I Think This Is a Great Idea: State Level Electoral College

Over the last few years, we’ve seen a lot of counties in a given State want to secede from their current State and join with another as they believe to be more in tune with their beliefs and culture.  Often, it’s in States that have a tremendous “gap” between a State’s urban and rural areas.  … Read more

James Wilson

The James Wilson Voting Act

Now that the Build Back Better Act (sometimes called the Great Giveaway) has stalled, Democrats have decided that their top legislative priority is something called the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act (sometimes called the Permanent Majority Act), which will effectively give the federal government the ability to dictate the electoral practices of individual states.

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Mike Pence

Pence Will Not Challenge Biden Electors – Mitch McConnell Won’t Either

The big news of the moment is that Vice President Pence has said he will not challenge the Biden electors. He does not believe the founders intended the Vice President to exercise such a power. I don’t think the Founders expected election fraud on this scale but, okay.

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US Senate 2

The GOP Energy for a Fight on Jan 6 Is Ramping up – Quickly!

At first it was just US Rep Mo Brooks that said he was going to disputing the Electoral College voting when, by Constitutional mandate, Congress reviews it. Now, it is up to 140 Congressmen and I’m betting the number will grow over the next couple of days.

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Really Jeanne Shaheen – using a Constitutional mechanism is bordering “sedition or treason”???

You’re either off your rocker, following in Dementia Joe’s thoughtprints, or your “kindly Grandma” mask just dropped like a slug of depleted uranium. Seriously, Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) decides to join with US Rep Mo Brook in invoking the Congressional Power (and responsibility) to challenge the Electoral College results and you cry “TREASON! SEDITION!” – … Read more

If the Courts Don’t Act… Will You?

“The crisis is arrived when we must assert our rights, or submit to every imposition, that can be heaped upon us, till custom and use shall make us as tame and abject slaves.” —George Washington (1774)

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Electoral College

DISQUS Doodlings – About that Electoral College

The Left is VERY desirous about doing to the Electoral College what they did to States’ interests when the Progressives passed the 17th Amendment. If there is a puzzled look on your face, let me explain (quickly).

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Electoral College

MORE AMERICAN HEROES! AZ State Rep. Mark Finchem “We Are Clawing Our Electoral College Votes Back!”

Arizona State Rep. Mark Finchem Chaired a hearing with House and Senate panel members yesterday regarding the integrity of the AZ General Election on Nov. 3rd.  One witness said “truckloads of ballots” kept coming in for 10 days after elections officials thought they were done counting votes.

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Electoral College

DISQUS Doodlings – Who talks like this: “Silencing the majority. Silencing Democracy”

That would be a Progressive / Democrat on Ken’s “BOOM!!!! BREAKING NEWS!: Pennsylvania Judge Rules 2020 PA Election Likely Unconstitutional – Trump Case “Likelihood to Succeed” post in which PA Judge Patricia A. McCullough ruled that the PA election decisions are to be stopped right now. Well, of course that is not sitting well from … Read more

Electoral College

ON TO ARIZONA! – Trump’s Legal Team to Present Evidence to AZ Legislature Monday!

Trump’s legal team successfully met with the Pennsylvania legislature this past Wednesday at a hearing to investigate massive election fraud.  Trump’s Senior Legal Advisors Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis were there on behalf of the President to present their evidence.

It had a profound impact on the legislators, who filed a resolution yesterday disputing the Statewide 2020 Election Results

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I’m Sure Fox News Still Calls Him Mr. President Elect

A tree fell in Pennsylvania but if no Democrats want to hear – did it make a sound? It did. It was the sound of Real Clear Policies taking one in the name of honest reporting. Pennsylvania did not go for Joe. Not yet. The result of which is this. The guy the media elected President is not currently the President-Elect.

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Voters don't need to know

Breaking: RealClearPolitics has just pulled Pennsylvania 20 electoral votes from Biden (now at 259)

RealClearPolitics is a very respected name in politics and they do protect their reputation. Thus, they have just withdrawn the 20 votes from Pennsylvania from Biden’s total – he is no LONGER “President-Elect”. Look below, left side – Biden is now only at 259. He has no longer “won” the race at this time. Shades … Read more

American Flag2

BlogQuestion of the Day – Why, Indeed?

Hillary has kvetched since 2016 that her Presidency was stolen from her. No, she did win the popular vote – she just decided she didn’t have to play the Electoral College game. Trump did. Now we see that the media and the Democrat Machines understood how important that game was – and they gamed it.

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Donald J. Trump

Donald Trump Jr.’s Electoral Map Prediction Looks Good for the President!

Donald Trump Jr.’s decided to put together his prediction as to how the Electoral College Map will look after the results are in!

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Electoral College

Blogquestion of the Day: What Is Your Guess for the Electoral College Results?

I love it that the Electoral College is one of the stunning achievements of our Founding Fathers in that it reinforces the philosophy of Federalism.

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Quick Thought: If Even CBS Is Saying It…

If CBS is saying it, do ya think something is starting to drive them nuts? Or, do you think this might be a disinformation ploy?

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